That’s another possible explanation. ““One dismaying factor of it all is that the president just doesn’t seem to have the attention span or the desire to hear what the intelligence community has been telling him,” Pelosi said, calling Trump’s comments “cause for concern.”” From:
Five Reasons Why MAGA Conservatism Has Never Made Any Sense
This is worth reading. “If we want to make America great, we need an updated understanding of the economy. The jobs of the future aren’t going to come from industries that belong to a fading past. Trump’s promises to revive coal and protect steel reflect an image of the economy and sources of employment that… Continue reading Five Reasons Why MAGA Conservatism Has Never Made Any Sense
To Fight Democrats’ First Bill, GOP Calls in Discredited Advocates of Voter Suppression
This is a long game tactic and worth the time and effort in pushing it. Everything that the democrats do to make it easier to vote will work to prevent the GOP from stacking the deck. Automatic voter registration. Election day as a holiday. Early voting, upgraded voting stations, mandating the the number of polling… Continue reading To Fight Democrats’ First Bill, GOP Calls in Discredited Advocates of Voter Suppression
Trump Hits Back At ‘Naive’ Intel Chiefs After They Contradict Him At Hearing
This is not normal. There are five options here: Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats knowingly gave false or misleading information to Congress. This should be investigated and if true, he should step down. Option two: The Director and National Intelligence and Trump were given or arrived at differing views on the same intelligence. This… Continue reading Trump Hits Back At ‘Naive’ Intel Chiefs After They Contradict Him At Hearing
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Won’t Say If Trump Was Behind Roger Stone’s WikiLeaks Contact
Its nice to see HuffPo do the obvious an point this out. “Sanders also made a false equivalence, comparing Stone to Trump administration foes like Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.” From
Krugman | The Venezuela Calumny – The New York Times
Noticeably lacking in argumentum ad Venezuela, any reason why Venezuela is a better analogue than Canada or Western Europe. “Maybe you disagree with all these policy ideas. But if your first response, literally, is to scream “Venezuela,” you’re demonstrating both your unscrupulousness and your lack of any serious arguments for your position.” Source: Opinion | The… Continue reading Krugman | The Venezuela Calumny – The New York Times
Jon Favreau sums up the last month on twittter
This sums up the past month. “For 35 days, Trump and Congressional Republicans inflicted pain on millions of Americans – for nothing.” From Jon Favreau on Twitter
Update Your Bingo Card
Time to update your indictment bingo cards
There is only one way to break Trump’s pathology. Pelosi has found it. – The Washington Post
Trump’s presidency and the Republican Party require Foxlandia for their existence. this requires Trump to venture outside of what I have called “Foxlandia,” the place where Trump always possesses all the leverage; where any and all polls showing him cratering are fake news; and a glorious victory, entirely on Trump’s own terms, is always lurking… Continue reading There is only one way to break Trump’s pathology. Pelosi has found it. – The Washington Post
Senate rejects Trump plan to fund border wall and end shutdown
Everyone should stop saying “The Senate” when they mean “The Republican Party” The Senate blocked President Donald Trump’s proposal to provide $5.7 billion in border wall money and grant temporary protections for some undocumented immigrants in return for reopening the government. From Politico