Matt Gaetz: A Tragedy of Trumpean Proportions in Three Acts

Act One: He Doth Tweet It Act Two: He defends Himself Poorly ““I was happy to do it for you. You just keep killing it,” Gaetz was reportedly heard telling Trump, according to Dovere. Also Gaetz apologized to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and, apparently, to Cohen personally, for the tweets about Cohen’s… Continue reading Matt Gaetz: A Tragedy of Trumpean Proportions in Three Acts

N.R.A. Magazine Draws Criticism for ‘Target Practice’ Headline With Photo of Pelosi and Giffords

“The photo, taken last month at an announcement about proposed legislation to expand background checks for firearms purchases, carried the headline in large letters: “Target Practice.”” They are about killing people, not defending the Constitution. They want guns to go after liberals and kill them. They keep telling us that. Stop taking them at their… Continue reading N.R.A. Magazine Draws Criticism for ‘Target Practice’ Headline With Photo of Pelosi and Giffords

Loyalty to Trump cost Michael Cohen everything. Republicans pay heed

“Cohen had a warning for the Republican stooges sitting in front of him. They were in danger of becoming just like him. “I’m responsible for your silliness because I did the same thing that you’re doing now for 10 years,” he said. “I protected Mr Trump for 10 years.”” Loyalty to Don Cheeto is a… Continue reading Loyalty to Trump cost Michael Cohen everything. Republicans pay heed

Read Michael Cohen’s opening statement here

“To be clear: Mr. Trump knew of and directed the Trump Moscow negotiations throughout the campaign and lied about it. He lied about it because he never expected to win the election. He also lied about it because he stood to make hundreds of millions of dollars on the Moscow real estate project. And so… Continue reading Read Michael Cohen’s opening statement here

RNC tells Michael Cohen to ‘have fun in prison,’ as GOP readies war room to push back on testimony

“Convicted felon Michael Cohen is going to prison for lying, including lies he told under oath to Congress,” RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel told Fox News.” One thing stands out as odd about the GOP defense here. Why didn’t the president do something when Cohen lied to Congress? He would have known, right? White House council… Continue reading RNC tells Michael Cohen to ‘have fun in prison,’ as GOP readies war room to push back on testimony

Ivanka Trump and the big lie of right wing populism: “our people” need help, “those people” are lazy.

“President Trump’s daughter and a White House senior adviser, lauded her father’s economy and said the majority of Americans ideologically believe differently than Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., in an interview with Fox News host Steve Hilton.” This is the core lie of right wing populism, the one that all the other lies are built on. “our… Continue reading Ivanka Trump and the big lie of right wing populism: “our people” need help, “those people” are lazy.

Wingnut Welfare Queen SE Cupp Defends Sarah Isgur’s quest to be a Wingnut Welfare Queen

“”I know Sarah for a long time,” Cupp said. “And I’ve worked with her in all of her capacities, when she was at the House, when she was at the DOJ, when she was running a presidential campaign. And she’s a professional. She is very smart, lovely to work with. She’s loyal.”” The key part… Continue reading Wingnut Welfare Queen SE Cupp Defends Sarah Isgur’s quest to be a Wingnut Welfare Queen

predictions on the mueller investigation report

Either the Mueller investigation report will show “collusion” or it won’t. Either the Mueller investigation reort will link the president to criminal actions or it will not. Expect spin regardless of the outcome. Maybe not at first. There will be debate and then they will agree on talking points. If it shows direct collusion between… Continue reading predictions on the mueller investigation report