Does Howard Kurtz know the Republican party exists?

For much of America, Joe Biden is the president-elect, going about the business of assembling an administration, giving a speech yesterday to announce the creation of a coronavirus task force. World leaders are calling to congratulate him. But other parts of America believe President Trump that the “lamestream media” are trying to hijack the election… Continue reading Does Howard Kurtz know the Republican party exists?

AEI’s Danielle Pletka pens a cover version of Goldwater’s 1975 editorial on Jimmy Carter

Danielle Pletka want you to know she doesn’t like Trump. She has no interesting in defending Trump. But she may be “forced” to vote for him because the Democrats haven’t done enough to convince her that they aren’t crazy socialists. Crazy socialists who nominated -checks notes- Joe Biden. Danielle Pletka is practicing Chickenshit Conservatism; a… Continue reading AEI’s Danielle Pletka pens a cover version of Goldwater’s 1975 editorial on Jimmy Carter