To Fight Democrats’ First Bill, GOP Calls in Discredited Advocates of Voter Suppression

This is a long game tactic and worth the time and effort in pushing it. Everything that the democrats do to make it easier to vote will work to prevent the GOP from stacking the deck. Automatic voter registration. Election day as a holiday. Early voting, upgraded voting stations, mandating the the number of polling… Continue reading To Fight Democrats’ First Bill, GOP Calls in Discredited Advocates of Voter Suppression

Trump Hits Back At ‘Naive’ Intel Chiefs After They Contradict Him At Hearing

This is not normal. There are five options here: Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats knowingly gave false or misleading information to Congress. This should be investigated and if true, he should step down. Option two: The Director and National Intelligence and Trump were given or arrived at differing views on the same intelligence. This… Continue reading Trump Hits Back At ‘Naive’ Intel Chiefs After They Contradict Him At Hearing

Krugman | The Venezuela Calumny – The New York Times

Noticeably lacking in argumentum ad Venezuela, any reason why Venezuela is a better analogue than Canada or Western Europe. “Maybe you disagree with all these policy ideas. But if your first response, literally, is to scream “Venezuela,” you’re demonstrating both your unscrupulousness and your lack of any serious arguments for your position.” Source: Opinion | The… Continue reading Krugman | The Venezuela Calumny – The New York Times

There is only one way to break Trump’s pathology. Pelosi has found it. – The Washington Post

Trump’s presidency and the Republican Party require Foxlandia for their existence. this requires Trump to venture outside of what I have called “Foxlandia,” the place where Trump always possesses all the leverage; where any and all polls showing him cratering are fake news; and a glorious victory, entirely on Trump’s own terms, is always lurking… Continue reading There is only one way to break Trump’s pathology. Pelosi has found it. – The Washington Post

What the ‘Both Sides Brigade’ gets wrong about the shutdown | MSNBC

The kidnappers demand for random is one reason for the impasse, the victim’s family unwillingness to reward the criminals is the other.   Trump’s demand for $5.7 billion for his border wall is one reason for the budget impasse. The Democrats refusal to approve the money is another. Source: What the ‘Both Sides Brigade’ gets… Continue reading What the ‘Both Sides Brigade’ gets wrong about the shutdown | MSNBC

For a Besieged F.B.I., the Shutdown is the Latest Trump-Era Assault | The New Yorker

If I was a foreign power looking to exert power over the US I would want to disable the US ability to stop me from exerting that power. Read this and see if you can think of a better way than destroying the career of a whole generation of FBI agents and hurting the ability… Continue reading For a Besieged F.B.I., the Shutdown is the Latest Trump-Era Assault | The New Yorker