Gore Riles Corn Ethanol Lobby

Al Gore has apparently irked some members of the ethanol lobby by suggesting during a panel discussion at a green business conference on Monday that his earlier support for corn-based ethanol subsidies was “a mistake.” From Gore Riles Corn Ethanol Lobby – NYTimes.com Now that he will never run a campaign in Iowa, he can be honest.

The Tea Party and the market for land

You have people here who enjoy their existing low density lifestyles, they like the fact that said lifestyles are explicitly and implicitly subsidized through a variety of public policy measures, and they don’t like the idea of losing those subsidies. What’s more, they regard their antagonists as somewhat culturally alien. So they’re pissed off. The… Continue reading The Tea Party and the market for land

10 Epic Failures of the Bush Tax Cuts

In a rare moment of candor last week, the third-ranking Republican in the House admitted the failure of the Bush tax cuts. “You know, I think it’s fair to say, if the current tax rates were enough to create jobs and generate economic growth we’d have a growing economy,” Mike Pence acknowledged, adding, “It’s not… Continue reading 10 Epic Failures of the Bush Tax Cuts

Women In Hijabs NOT exempt from pat-downs

Recent stories on Glenn Beck’s blog The Blaze, Fox News and elsewhere suggested that the TSA would only pat down the head and neck of Muslim women who objected to backscatter X-ray machines. From Women In Hijabs NOT exempt from pat-downs This false story started in the Glenn Beck parallel reality should be debunked in… Continue reading Women In Hijabs NOT exempt from pat-downs