Will America Fall Prey To A British Disease?

[Britain] failed to develop a coherent policy response to the financial crisis of the 1930’s. Its political parties, rather than working together to address pressing economic problems, remained at each other’s throats. The country turned inward. Its politics grew fractious, its policies erratic, and its finances increasingly unstable. In short, Britain’s was a political, not… Continue reading Will America Fall Prey To A British Disease?

Outside the Bubble

A new CBS poll says virtually no one thinks the deficit or the national debt are the top problems facing the country. From Talking Points Memo Not surprised one bit. I’d be willing to bet that the tea-party folks most vocal about debt, deficit and taxes are no more knowledgeable on those topics then a sampling of… Continue reading Outside the Bubble

Anis Shivani: Bush’s ‘Decision Points’ Is A Terrifying Journey Into the Authoritarian Mind

The beauty of the Bush philosophy of governance is that it creates and accelerates those very conditions of stress (radical economic inequality promoted by tax cuts for the wealthy and concomitant cuts in public services for the less well-off) that then provide fertile ground for popular acceptance of measures intended to further worsen conditions for… Continue reading Anis Shivani: Bush’s ‘Decision Points’ Is A Terrifying Journey Into the Authoritarian Mind

Glenn Beck’s five-point plan for world domination

In Tuesday’s first installment of his series on George Soros’ supposed quest for world domination, Glenn Beck accused the billionaire of – among many, many other things – following a five-point “formula” to gain control of the United States.  From Salon.com Emma Mustich points out that all of the points used to demonstrate a Soros… Continue reading Glenn Beck’s five-point plan for world domination

Rand Paul Gets Pissy With Eliot Spitzer for Asking Him to Name Specific Budget Cuts

Eliot Spitzer and Rand Paul had a rather contentious debate over his income, his stance on Medicare payments for doctors being reduced and just what he’d cut to balance the federal budget… From Video Cafe Rand Paul demonstrates that Socialism is when the government helps other people. This is why Rand Paul is a joke. He has sincere,… Continue reading Rand Paul Gets Pissy With Eliot Spitzer for Asking Him to Name Specific Budget Cuts

The Big Lie

It seems to me that the last year or so in America’s political culture has represented the triumph of untruth. And the untruth was propagated by a deliberate, simple and systemic campaign to kill Obama’s presidency in its crib. Emergency measures in a near-unprecedented economic collapse – the bank bailout, the auto-bailout, the stimulus –… Continue reading The Big Lie

Stopping GOP bailouts and GOP socialism

Can we borrow a page from the tea party and start referring to the corporate subsidies and tax breaks to the energy, defense and agribusiness firms as bailouts? And any no-bid or closed-door contract as a take-over? And any new program or spending as socialism? I realize that this is a cynical way of doing it, but why not take… Continue reading Stopping GOP bailouts and GOP socialism