The two worst things Bush can do for us poor souls in Blue States, the states that pay most of the Federal Taxes, would be to change the tax code in two ways. First to eliminate the Home Mortgage Tax Deduction, the second to eliminate the State and Local Income Tax deduction.
12 steps
Bush apologists are like drunks who won’t stop hanging on to the bottle until they find out that what’s in the bottle is killing them. They could have a thousand bad days and nights, but they wake up every morning… or afternoon, and are willing to buy any twisted logic that says they can still… Continue reading 12 steps
liberal french wieney
I bought a copy of The Truth, with Jokes yesterday…and got my copy signed by Al Franken. I’ve been listening to his show via podcast for a year now and can highly recommend his show as a few hours of entertaining news and political discussion somewhere between NPR and The Daily Show. Oh, and jokes.… Continue reading liberal french wieney
Bernanke nominated to replace Greenspan
Bush finally makes a good choice. Bernanke is qualified, not a crony and not a wing-nut. Hey, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
pork with a side of greed
Before adopting the $141 billion measure, 93 to 1, senators also defeated an effort to add more than $3 billion for home-heating assistance for low-income families. The proposal, by New England lawmakers who fear sky-high heating costs this winter, failed to attract the 60 votes that Senate procedures require. This is why GOP terms like… Continue reading pork with a side of greed
biting into the bullet
Makes me wonder if bullets are kosher
big box mart
JibJab’s great parody, Big Box Mart makes economics funny.
your own personal jahzus
Your own personal Jesus, in toast form.
french bashing
I’m getting a little sick of the French Bashing from the right wing. I’ve noticed the following two themes: When the French do something in their national interest that somehow conflicts with our interests, they are betraying us. When we do something that is in our national interest but conflicts with French interests, we are… Continue reading french bashing
paul krugman
George W. Bush, I once wrote, “values loyalty above expertise” and may have “a preference for advisers whose personal fortunes are almost entirely bound up with his own.” And he likes to surround himself with “obsequious courtiers.” Lots of people are saying things like that these days. But those quotes are from a column published… Continue reading paul krugman