Now, in order to be considered a “liberal,” only one thing is required – a failure to pledge blind loyalty to George W. Bush. The minute one criticizes him is the minute that one becomes a “liberal,” regardless of the ground on which the criticism is based. And the more one criticizes him, by definition,… Continue reading Do Bush followers have a political ideology?
Can the President Order a Killing on U.S. Soil?
In the latest twist in the debate over presidential powers, a Justice Department official suggested that in certain circumstances, the president might have the power to order the killing of terrorist suspects inside the United States From Newsweek Politics – I’m a bit wary about the slippery slope of this argument. If you can… Continue reading Can the President Order a Killing on U.S. Soil?
right-wingers turn against bush
Instead of shoring up the conservative base, Bush’s bland rhetoric and ticky-tacky domestic initiatives – more switchgrass, less malaria – only confirmed conservatives’ ever-growing concern: Far from an heir to the legacy of Ronald Reagan, the president has become just another free-spending, big-government politician. From This is what I’ve been saying about Bush for… Continue reading right-wingers turn against bush
just kidding about that whole mid-east oil import reduction thing
It turns out that the chimp was just kidding when he said that we need to reduce our dependence on Mid-East oil imports. This is coming directly from members of the chimps senior staff. From meat-eating leftist An this is exactly what the administration wanted. The addicted to oil quote got a lot of press.… Continue reading just kidding about that whole mid-east oil import reduction thing
I participated in a hoax on the American people
I participated in a hoax on the American people, the international community and the United Nations Security Council. How do you think that makes me feel? Thirty-one years in the United States Army and I more or less end my career with that kind of a blot on my record? That’s not a very comforting… Continue reading I participated in a hoax on the American people
impeach bush coalition
Thankfully, Section 603 of the United States House Rules provides for the inception of impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives “by charges transmitted from the legislature of a State.” From here A wonky approach to impeaching Bush. Start the process in a State Legislature. Not sure how I feel about this since the GOP… Continue reading impeach bush coalition
The Park Sloper: Park Slope Food Shopping Overview
Speaking of good services in Park Slope, let’s give some credit where credit is due: to the intrepid entrepreneurs who have made it possible to buy quality gourmet and organic groceries in our lovely neighborhood. Unless you are a member of the Park Slope Food Co-op From Park Slope Food Shopping Overview Really nice review… Continue reading The Park Sloper: Park Slope Food Shopping Overview
Abramoff — Bush Photoshop Contest
Al Franken on Air America has started a contest to create the best photoshop image of Abramoff handing Bush a check. Too funny not to share.
yet another catch-22
Calling the Domestic Spying the Terrorist Surveillance Program doesn’t change the inherit problem. If you don’t have enough evidence to get a warrant, how can you know they are a terrorist? If you know they are a terrorist, why can’t you get a warrant? Why isn’t the press discussing this contradiction? Lastly, how can anyone… Continue reading yet another catch-22
addicted to oil
Now that Bush has used the phrase addicted to oil maybe he can give credit to the folks on the left that have been talking about this for five years or more. Anyone that thinks that the left doesn’t have any good ideas about this, probably hasn’t heard about The Apollo PAC. Why should we… Continue reading addicted to oil