Watch as jynxyjoe carries out a scripted debate with himself. And wins. Joe has made it clear that he doesn’t want to debate me. Insult me? Sure. Respond to my posts by calling me a jackass? Sure. But actually carry out a mature discussion? No way. It should be easy to see why. Every time… Continue reading jynxyjoe wins argument with self
how to spot a baby conservative
Remember the whiny, insecure kid in nursery school, the one who always thought everyone was out to get him, and was always running to the teacher with complaints? Chances are he grew up to be a conservative. From How to spot a baby conservative While the study is kind of funny, the science behind it… Continue reading how to spot a baby conservative
Tell us again about red-state self-reliance
In a study released today, the nonpartisan Tax Foundation reveals that – to a much greater degree than their azure kin – red states continue to rely on the largess of the federal government. From Between 04 and 06; the amount of money New York State gets back went up $0.02 per dollar. I… Continue reading Tell us again about red-state self-reliance
Fox News security
Yet more proof that Bill O’Reilly is stark raving mad. Keith Olbermann, Howard Stern and Al Franken are all following O’Reilly’s day by day meltdown. O’Reilly isn’t just acting weird, he is acting downright unstable.
Bill O’Reilly
Head over to Media Matters and be amused by Bill O’Reilly, lunatic.
Neo-Feudalism and Katrina
The newly released footage of officials briefing George Bush before Hurricane Katrina shows Michael Brown sitting at a laptop computer. Given the caricature of Incapability Brown, I wouldn’t have been surprised if the ex-FEMA director was playing solitaire: “Mr. President, I just can’t find a place for this king of hearts.” Instead, Brown is clear… Continue reading Neo-Feudalism and Katrina
the Neo-Con two step
The only thing better than watching Neo-Con Francis Fukuyama flip, is watching other Neo-Cons like Christopher Hitchens attack them for it.You can always count on Hitchens to be infuriatingly delightful. But this time he is way off. The Neo-Con failure is breaking them up into three camps. Neo-Cons like Fukuyama that now think the war… Continue reading the Neo-Con two step
Bush Critics You Should Trust
It’s hard to keep up with all the anti-George Bush books. Next to the fiction and nonfiction book tables at Barnes & Noble, they will soon have to add one labeled: “Ugh, Bush.” But how to choose among the Bush-haters? From Slate:Bush Critics You Should Trust John Dickerson does a great job of running down… Continue reading Bush Critics You Should Trust
what if the South had won the Civil War?
C.S.A. The Movie asks the question, what if the South had won the Civil War? Considering how much political control Southerners and heavily subsidized Southern business have, why should we think they didn’t?
Connect The Dots
Connect The Dots – Amnesty International Flash animation from Amnesty International meant to demonstrate just how connecting the dots can lead from an average American to torture and other un-American activities done in our name.