We do not have competing filter bubbles in the US. We have a mainstream media and we have a conservative filter bubble. There is nothing that illustrates this better than this Pew Research polling from 2019. While there is a noticeable gap between Dem-leaning and all Americans there is a giant nearly impassable chasm between… Continue reading The Foxlandia filter bubble is escaping its containment.
Campus moral panic articles never mention William F. Buckley.
Freedom is not being taken away from white men-dignity is no longer being withheld from women, from people of color and from the LGBT community.
When conservatism becomes entirely about grievances about perceived bias, perceived lack of representation and perceived suppression of their identities, you end up with Wokeservatism. And this is the dominant version of conservatism in the US today.
Hampublican. A word we didn’t know we needed.
Do you know that guy? The one that responds to fact checks by calling you sheepole? The one that yells libtard? The one that yells libtard and then demands you be more respectful? That guy. Have you met that guy? Did you get suckered into listening to him hoping to calm him down just enough… Continue reading Hampublican. A word we didn’t know we needed.
The thing about Republicans and grooming that isn’t being said
Rather than waste time with gotchas pointing out the hypocrisy of the right, spend some time pointing out how they simply can not imagine a world where they are held to any standards at all.
Satanic symbolism of the GOP logo explained
One thing lacking in the current right wing satanic panic is any mention of the satanic symbolism in the current GOP logo.
Matt Taibbi: In defense of Dick Pics
What would Old Matt think of a journalist that was handed a pile of documents from the owner of a company (Elon Musk) who then asked the journalist to write a story based on those cherry picked documents?
Right wing minions: The Rise of Musk
At some point someone is going to chisel a hole into Elon Musk’s ego that is just large enough to slide a spreadsheet through. And Elon will look at the numbers. Wide eyed. And in an exasperated voice Mr. Musk will ask “you mean we need those libtard snowflakes to be happy for Twitter to be worth anything?”
Republicans always want credit for some shit they supposed to do: JD Vance edition.
With apologies to Chris Rock, Republicans always want credit for some shit they supposed to do: JD Vance edition.
And local politicians
The idea that local politicians should stand between you and basic rights in a thing that Republicans believe.