Why Obama-care didn’t flip the house

Of the 39 Dems who voted against Health Care Reform, 12 are going to be returning in the next Congress. From Why Obama-care didn’t flip the house The blue-dogs were the ones who disproportional lost seats. Yet the narrative will continue to be that when conservatives loose seats it’s because that didn’t stick to conservatism and when liberals loose… Continue reading Why Obama-care didn’t flip the house

Five Thirty Eight

Five Thirty Eight

Wall Street’s best friend is The Tea Party

Even though few things enrage Tea Party rebels more than government checks made out to Wall Street financial companies, the reverse dynamic does not seem to be a problem. The top 12 Senatorial candidates most favored by Tea Partiers have already hauled in $4.6 million in campaign contributions from Wall Street. Even more amazing is… Continue reading Wall Street’s best friend is The Tea Party

How to Turn the Taliban Against Al Qaeda

Washington’s goals officially remain those stated by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: to strengthen Afghan Army forces and to “reintegrate” the supposedly “moderate” Taliban, that is, fighters who will consent to lay down arms and respect the Afghan Constitution, including its Western-inspired provisions to respect human rights and equality of women in the public sphere.… Continue reading How to Turn the Taliban Against Al Qaeda

They called their joint campaign and debates a civility tour

It’s a local race – and no big deal. A state senate seat in Connecticut. And yet …: The race between [incumbent state Senator Andrew] Maynard and [Republican challenger Stuart] Norman may be unlike any other in the state. Rather than spend their time railing against each other, the two have decided to campaign together,… Continue reading They called their joint campaign and debates a civility tour

Predictable bad advice from David Brooks

President Obama is likely to suffer a pummeling defeat on Tuesday. But the road map for his recovery is pretty straightforward. From The Next Two Years Mr Brooks gives President Obama the typical bad advice people give the president on an off year election. When the GOP suffers a loss, the advice is that they… Continue reading Predictable bad advice from David Brooks