It’s over. A Republic, if you can keep it.
Category: Uncategorized
Mubarak flees Cairo as protests rage
Mubarak flees Cairo as protests rage
Is this the beginning of the end?
H.R.3: No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act
For example, it would deny tax credits to companies that offer health plans that cover abortions and it would block anybody with insurance that covers abortions from receiving federal subsidies From H.R.3 The GOP is against the government take over of health care; unless it can be used to keep women from making their own… Continue reading H.R.3: No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act
Silvio’s World
Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s legendary womanizing now has Italian prosecutors preparing to try him on criminal charges. From Silvio’s World Berlusconi has a model diversity program in that there is a diverse set of models. Blondes, brunettes and red heads are all well represented in his patronage positions.
Administration Announces Plan for Nationwide High Speed Rail
Firing the first shot across the budget bow, Vice President Biden announced plans for a high-speed rail network across the United States by 2036, as promised in his State of the Union address. From Crooks and Liars If you look at the map that comes along with the description of the plan, you can see… Continue reading Administration Announces Plan for Nationwide High Speed Rail
A Government That Can’t Change
A government that uses intimidation, surveillance, and control of media to quell dissent deprives itself of good information about the population’s concerns. People keep their concerns to themselves out of fear. Grievances are driven underground, to fester. Not having a good handle on what people want, the government risks being blindsided by a sudden explosion… Continue reading A Government That Can’t Change
Beck’s birthday is Nazi Tourette’s Day
February 10th is Glenn Beck’s Birthday. Celebrate it by comparing someone or something to Hitler. #NaziTourettes
Ronald Reagan: Would America have been better off without him?
To this day I refuse to call my local airport “Reagan,” since before the name change it was Washington National, which means, thanks very much, that it was already named for a perfectly good ex-president. From Christopher Hitchens – Slate Magazine Hitchens on naming things after Reagan That’s the quip of the day.
Ideas Are Not The Same As Race
And it’s not just the fact that you can choose your ideology, but not your race. Ideologies have a real effect on overall life outlook, which has a direct impact on job choices. Military officers are much more conservative than the population at large; so? … It’s particularly troubling to apply some test of equal… Continue reading Ideas Are Not The Same As Race
Gradual Trends and Extreme Events
I’ve spent a lot of the last several days reading about climate change, extreme weather events, food prices, and so on. And one thing that became clear to me is that there’s widespread misunderstanding of the relationship between the gradual trend of rising temperatures and the extreme weather events that have become so much more… Continue reading Gradual Trends and Extreme Events