Whenever a black kid is gunned down by police, the first thing I see pop up on my Facebook feeds is Why isn’t anyone speaking out about black on black crime? This is concern trolling at its worst. Virtually everyone agrees that in the case of black on black crime, that one party is the… Continue reading When someone asks about Black on Black crime, they aren’t looking for an answer.
Category: politics
House Intelligence Committee’s Benghazi Report Torches Conspiracy Theories
House Intelligence Committee’s Benghazi Report Torches Conspiracy Theories
Among its findings, the report says CIA personnel responded not just well, but heroically; that there was no “stand down” order, as some critics have claimed; there was no intimidation of witnesses by superiors; there was no intelligence failure prior to the attack; and that a “mixed group” of individuals, including some linked to al Qaeda, participated in the attack.
But perhaps the most significant conclusion is its finding that Rice’s talking points – a key focus of the Benghazi Select Committee empaneled by House Speaker John Boehner – were not part of an attempt to conceal the severity of the incident.
In other words, Benghazi was much to do about nothing. But the GOP got to get angry and toss around conspiracy theories.
Rand doesn’t stand
If Paul really wanted to help the cause of reining in the NSA, critics say he could have broken with his party and voted to let the bill move ahead — a headline-grabbing moment that would make him stand out from the rest of the Republican presidential field. Instead, the Kentucky senator — the GOP’s most famous libertarian — voted to block the bill from even being debated.
Rand Paul, not a friend of civil liberties.
Does the White Working Class Hate Welfare for the Poor?
Does the White Working Class Hate Welfare for the Poor?
in the $30k-$75k range, you have 57% of GOP voters (non-voters are generally more progressive still) who think the government’s support for poor people is the right amount or not enough.
There is a gap between what GOP voters want, and what they vote for.
Charlie Rangel: I Thought ‘White Cracker’ Was A ‘Term Of Endearment’
Charlie Rangel: I Thought ‘White Cracker’ Was A ‘Term Of Endearment’
“I thought that was a term of endearment, you know,” Rangel said. “[The tea party is] so proud of their heritage and all the things they believe in.”
A little reminder that Rangel is still around.
Fox Host Calls On Fox To Drop 2016 Candidates From Payroll
Fox Host Calls On Fox To Drop 2016 Candidates From Payroll
Fox dropped Dr. Ben Carson as a contributor, which Kurtz said was a good call.
“This was a smart move by Fox because a guy who’s more or less running for president shouldn’t be on a network payroll,” he said. “Which means Fox also faces a decision about former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who is openly weighing a White House bid as well.”
It’s always nice to see actual journalism at FOX.
The 2014 Electorate Was Really, Really Old
What’s so new about the Islamic State’s governance?
What’s so new about the Islamic State’s governance?
of the insurgencies that provided education and health care, nearly 72 percent of insurgencies provided education to civilians, and just over 71 percent of rebel movements provided health care. In other words, if an insurgent group provides social services, they are more likely to offer these services to civilians. Once an insurgency acquired territory, nearly 49 percent would ensure that the civilian population received education or medical care, consistent with recent research on rebel governance.
ISIS thinks education and health care are roles of government.
Anthony Weiner Still Doesn’t Understand How to Use Twitter
Anthony Weiner Still Doesn’t Understand How to Use Twitter
Weiner embarrasses himself again.
What the Neoreaction Doesn’t Understand about Democracy
What the Neoreaction Doesn’t Understand about Democracy
The key conclusion to draw from the Mulligan study is that political competition doesn’t go away when you switch away from democracy; rather, it moves to the metapolitical level. Competition within political systems is a substitute for competition over political systems. When the former is stifled, the latter becomes more important, which is why nondemocratic rulers must take greater pains to prevent an overthrow of government than democracies do. There is no limit on the level of metapolitical competition under a dictatorship other than the state of technology available to the state and to its would-be usurpers.
Interesting read for those following the anti-democracy crowd.