America’s Constitution is in grave danger

Congressman Barr and I have disagreed many times over the years, but we have joined together today with thousands of our fellow citizens – Democrats and Republicans alike – to express our shared concern that America’s Constitution is in grave danger. From Salon This is a must read. I’ve changed my mind on Gore, sadly… Continue reading America’s Constitution is in grave danger

returning funds

Noticably asent from the lists of Politicians returning Abramoff money is a list of Politicians working to undo the laws and other offical acts that money bought. If they are willing to admit the money was wrong to take, why aren’t they willing to undo what that money bought?

bipartisan consensus on abramoff

Abramoff is a Republican who worked closely with two of the country’s most prominent conservative activists, Grover Norquist and Ralph Reed. Top aides to the most important Republican in Congress, Tom DeLay (R., Tex.) were party to his sleazy schemes. The only people referred to directly in Abramoff’s recent plea agreement are a Republican congressmen… Continue reading bipartisan consensus on abramoff

Abramoff spin

Now that the corruption scandal has fully metathesized, the GOP spin machine is busy with the talking points, acting as if everything is just fine and there isn’t actually a problem with the GOP. Here is my counter-point by point. Spin 1: The problem isn’t that bad. With that, Abramoff turned states’ evidence. He completed… Continue reading Abramoff spin

privacy, wiretaps and ironic small government

WASHINGTON, Dec. 26 (UPI) – U.S. President George Bush decided to skip seeking warrants for international wiretaps because the court was challenging him at an unprecedented rate. From UPI This right-wing spin on this is amazing. Bush’s comment that If al Qaeda is calling you, we want to know why was just sad. Honestly, if… Continue reading privacy, wiretaps and ironic small government

US Abandons Iraqi Reconstruction

White House to Withdraw Funding for Rebuilding Iraq By Andrew Gumbel The Independent UK Wednesday 03 January 2006 The US government is not planning to continue funding reconstruction projects in Iraq, in what appears to be a major climbdown from the White House’s one-time pledge to build the best infrastructure in the region. According to… Continue reading US Abandons Iraqi Reconstruction

Abramoff Expected to Plead Guilty to 3 Felony Charges

Former high-powered lobbyist Jack Abramoff is expected to plead guilty today to three felony charges in a deal with federal prosecutors that would clear the way for his testimony about members of Congress and congressional staffers in a wide-ranging political corruption investigation. From WaPo: Abramoff Expected to Plead Guilty to 3 Felony Charges Now the… Continue reading Abramoff Expected to Plead Guilty to 3 Felony Charges

cant and recant

“Milton Friedman’s latest research on the Federal Reserve challenges key assumptions of a very prominent economist: Milton Friedman.” More than any other individual, Milton Friedman was the intellectual inspiration of the conservative counterrevolution against activist government as an engine of economic efficiency and social justice. In his scholarly work contending that government intervention invariably makes… Continue reading cant and recant