The Internet is suddenly alive with chatter about an “Iranian Oil Bourse,” supposedly scheduled to open for business in March 2006. Right now, the two leading oil exchanges in the world are the New York Mercantile Exchange and London’s International Petroleum Exchange. In both exchanges, trades for oil are denominated in U.S. dollars. But in… Continue reading Iranian Oil Bourse
Author: Stable Genius
I am the very model of a Stable Genius Liberal.
Al-Qaida Is Losing says Hitchens
The conditions for this latest truce are of course impossible as well. All one needs, in order to earn Bin Laden’s mercy, is to give up Afghanistan and Iraq. But this raises a more intriguing question. Why are formerly triumphalist jihadists using the language of “truce” at all? Not very long ago, God was claimed… Continue reading Al-Qaida Is Losing says Hitchens
Rick “bumpersticker” Santorum
What I’m asking all of you tonight is not to put on a uniform. Put on a bumper sticker. Is it that much to ask? Is it that much to ask to step up and serve your country From Salon If Sen. Santorum wants to support our troops, here is a list of things he;… Continue reading Rick “bumpersticker” Santorum
bush the incompetent
Incompetence is not one of the seven deadly sins, and it’s hardly the worst attribute that can be ascribed to George W. Bush. But it is this president’s defining attribute. Historians, looking back at the hash that his administration has made of his war in Iraq, his response to Hurricane Katrina and his Medicare drug… Continue reading bush the incompetent
Chris Matthews
You’d think the only focus tonight would be on destroying Osama Bin Laden, not comparing him to an American who opposes the war whether you like him or not. You want a real debate that America needs? Here goes: If the administration had done the job right in Tora Bora we might not be having… Continue reading Chris Matthews
How the Democratic Party Can Change Its Pronouns
One difference between a Democrat and a Republican is that when a Republican criticizes his party, he uses the pronoun ‘we’. From MyDD No one should use we when referring to a political organization unless that person is in a leadership role in that organization. Liberals and Progressives should not buy into GOPer group think.… Continue reading How the Democratic Party Can Change Its Pronouns
Buffett Sounds Warning On U.S. Trade Deficit–Again
Don’t count on a soft landing for the country’s deficit-addicted economy, Buffett reiterated Tuesday. The U.S. trade deficit is a bigger threat to the domestic economy than either the federal budget deficit or consumer debt and could lead to “political turmoil”, the decorated investor warned. Buffett’s bearishness is understandable: Fixing the trade deficit–which soared to… Continue reading Buffett Sounds Warning On U.S. Trade Deficit–Again
Group Seeks I.R.S. Inquiry of Two Ohio Churches
A group of religious leaders has sent a complaint to the Internal Revenue Service requesting an investigation of two large churches in Ohio that they say are improperly campaigning on behalf of a conservative Republican running for governor. From NYT This is the real reason to oppose the President’s Faith Based initiatives. It not only… Continue reading Group Seeks I.R.S. Inquiry of Two Ohio Churches
America’s Constitution is in grave danger
Congressman Barr and I have disagreed many times over the years, but we have joined together today with thousands of our fellow citizens – Democrats and Republicans alike – to express our shared concern that America’s Constitution is in grave danger. From Salon This is a must read. I’ve changed my mind on Gore, sadly… Continue reading America’s Constitution is in grave danger
returning funds
Noticably asent from the lists of Politicians returning Abramoff money is a list of Politicians working to undo the laws and other offical acts that money bought. If they are willing to admit the money was wrong to take, why aren’t they willing to undo what that money bought?