“I Was Never This Blatant,” Says Benedict Arnold in Hell

“Traitors put a lot of thought, planning, and subtletly into every one of their actions and utterances,” he said. “When I look at these so-called acts of treason, I have to ask, Where’s the professionalism? Where’s the work ethic? The sloppiness and sheer idiocy of it all is jaw-dropping. via “I Was Never This Blatant,”… Continue reading “I Was Never This Blatant,” Says Benedict Arnold in Hell

The Nationalist’s Delusion

Trump’s supporters backed a time-honored American political tradition, disavowing racism while promising to enact a broad agenda of discrimination. via The Nationalist’s Delusion I missed this the first time around, but this is really worth reading.

Wyden: Trump is starting an ‘enemies list’ with efforts to strip security clearances

(CNN)Sen. Ron Wyden accused President Donald Trump of assembling an “enemies list” of critics through his efforts to strip a half-dozen national security officials of their security clearances. via Wyden: Trump is starting an ‘enemies list’ with efforts to strip security clearances The same people who worry about the chilling effect of keeping nazis from… Continue reading Wyden: Trump is starting an ‘enemies list’ with efforts to strip security clearances

Russia Brags Of ‘Verbal Agreements’ With Trump, US Unsure What They Were

Russia’s ambassador to the United States told the media in Moscow on Wednesday that Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin had reached several “verbal agreements” on weapons treaties and Syria. But U.S. via Russia Brags Of ‘Verbal Agreements’ With Trump, US Unsure What They Were This should be a bigger story. Why does Putin know… Continue reading Russia Brags Of ‘Verbal Agreements’ With Trump, US Unsure What They Were


Donald Trump Is Fulfilling All of Those Obama Conspiracy Theories Donald Trump Is Fulfilling All of Those Obama Conspiracy Theories For the better part of his presidency, conservative commentators and provocateurs dogged Barack Obama with accusations of disloyalty and subversion, questioning his commitment to American exceptionalism and accusing him of being a secret agent for… Continue reading Untitled

Under Trump, everything gets trashed and degraded

as we’ve learned in so many areas, there are rules and there are norms, and violating norms is possible if you decide you don’t care about them. “The judiciary is not supposed to be involved in choosing the judiciary,” says Hauser. “Sometimes we don’t have rules to prevent the most obvious misconduct because it’s just… Continue reading Under Trump, everything gets trashed and degraded

Stone reverses: I’m ‘probably’ unnamed person in Mueller indictment

Former informal Trump campaign adviser Roger StoneRoger Jason StoneStone reverses: I’m ‘probably’ unnamed person in Mueller indictment Mueller indictment appears to make reference to Roger Stone Politicon 2018 tour to include Anthony Scaramucci, Charlie Kirk, Hasan Piker MORE acknowledged Friday nig… Stone reverses: I’m ‘probably’ unnamed person in Mueller indictment So seven Trump campaign staffers… Continue reading Stone reverses: I’m ‘probably’ unnamed person in Mueller indictment

The Far-Right Book Every Russian General Reads

The chief aim of Foundations is to revive Evola’s fascist idea of traditionalism, which calls for the eradication of any trace of modern, polyethnic, egalitarian, feminist, and democratic cultures—“American globalism”—in favor of a vast, Eurasian, authoritarian empire of racially pure regimes in which women are confined to the home and breeding. That empire would unite… Continue reading The Far-Right Book Every Russian General Reads

Donald Trump Is Fulfilling All of Those Obama Conspiracy Theories

For the better part of his presidency, conservative commentators and provocateurs dogged Barack Obama with accusations of disloyalty and subversion, questioning his commitment to American exceptionalism and accusing him of being a secret agent for foreign powers. But Obama never did anything remotely as damning as Trump’s inexplicable defense of Vladimir Putin on Monday, when… Continue reading Donald Trump Is Fulfilling All of Those Obama Conspiracy Theories