“Milton Friedman’s latest research on the Federal Reserve challenges key assumptions of a very prominent economist: Milton Friedman.” More than any other individual, Milton Friedman was the intellectual inspiration of the conservative counterrevolution against activist government as an engine of economic efficiency and social justice. In his scholarly work contending that government intervention invariably makes… Continue reading cant and recant
what not to wear when picked up for DUI
Slurring Bush
Amazing what you can do with a little video editing. And a really terrible performance by the president. Normally I don’t post outright ad hominem attacks. This is just too funny not to share. From: Salon.com
pundit payola
It came out last week that a couple of conservative pundits have been on the take from lobbyist extraordinaire Jack Abramoff. He would pay them up to $2,000 for columns and op-ed pieces that advanced the interests of his clients. From: Pundit Payola – Money talks. It writes, too. By Michael Kinsley This is just… Continue reading pundit payola
The top ten myths about Iraq in 2005
Juan Cole, one of the most incisive analysts of the situation in Iraq, lists the top ten myths about that country that he sees promulgated in the U.S. media. Cole is a fierce critic of the war and the administration that is waging it, but he’s also a nuanced thinker who challenges conventional wisdom on… Continue reading The top ten myths about Iraq in 2005
Paris Hilton Index
Topic Google News Articles Impeachment 2,560 Paris Hilton 4,090 American Idol 4,910 Tom Cruise 4,380 Downing Street Memo 471 Karl Rove 2,790 missing penguin 302 hurricane katrina 72,600 It has taken a while, but now the main stream media is actually discussing whether or not Bush actions actually warrant Impeachment. We have John Conyers and… Continue reading Paris Hilton Index
intelligent design language
but the example of saying gravity is not being tossed up in high school as just a “theory” is a little stupid. Gravity is a law. It can be proven easily with the scientific method and measured. We can also travel into space these days and have a control group. I’m not saying evolution is… Continue reading intelligent design language
Ethan Lipton
I’m a big fan of Ethan Lipton. Its very hard not to be entertained by a crooner whose ballads mention yoga positions, Martian juice and women who work at Renaissance Faires. The latter being described as having hair smelling of steak. It is really hard to call him a comedian as his songs really don’t… Continue reading Ethan Lipton
Bush can settle CIA leak riddle, Novak says
“I’m confident the president knows who the source is,” Novak told a luncheon audience at the John Locke Foundation in Raleigh on Tuesday. “I’d be amazed if he doesn’t.” From newsobserver by way of Salon
George Washington versus Bill O’Reilly
“There’s a very secret plan … to diminish Christian philosophy in the U.S.A.” So says, Bill O’Reilly. I hate to say it, but Bill is right. And that plot was started by George, (not Soros) “The government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion.” George Washington So 210+… Continue reading George Washington versus Bill O’Reilly