The zaniness of evil

clown congress

The silliness of the GOP speaker food fight has fooled large numbers of Americans-and most frustratingly-a strong plurality of the media, into seeing this as those wacky Republicans are at it again.

Elon Musk supports free speech for state media.

(from left) Minions Kevin and Otto, Gru (Steve Carell) and Minions Stuart and Bob in Illumination's Minions: The Rise of Gru, directed by Kyle Balda.

Elon Musk is totally OK with China and Russia using Twitter for propaganda. It’s only the American left that he thinks needs to have its power checked. #ElonMusk #StateMedia #TwitterDeathWatch

Wokeservatism: Beer Addition

Wokeservatism is the collection of grievances about perceived bias, perceived lack of representation and perceived suppression of their identities. And it is the dominant form of conservatism in the US.

Banana Republic Shit

Having an unaccountable political or economic elite that escape justice is Banana Republic shit. Holding everyone, including former elected officials, accountable to rule of law is the exact opposite of Banana Republic shit.

wokeservatism part 2

After embarrassing herself by not being able to define woke after writing a book about work, Ms Mandel provided a definition. But I think she defines what I call wokeservatism.