Why does Glenn Beck insist on getting Niemoller’s famous poem wrong?

Glenn Beck has a history of appropriating Martin Niemoller’s famous poem, “First They Came…” – one of the most memorable descriptions of the creep of Nazi totalitarianism – for his own purposes, often by way of describing his own self-martyrdom, because of course it’s really about people like him. From Crooks and Liars The simple… Continue reading Why does Glenn Beck insist on getting Niemoller’s famous poem wrong?

Campaign Season Rife With Gun Rhetoric

Gregg Harper (R-MS) told Politico that he hunts Democrats. Asked about the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, he said, “We hunt liberal, tree-hugging Democrats, although it does seem like a waste of good ammunition.” From Campaign Season Rife With Gun Rhetoric I’m not saying there are no nut jobs on the left. But these are candidates for… Continue reading Campaign Season Rife With Gun Rhetoric

Campaign Season Rife With Gun Rhetoric

Gregg Harper (R-MS) told Politico that he hunts Democrats. Asked about the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus, he said, “We hunt liberal, tree-hugging Democrats, although it does seem like a waste of good ammunition.” From Campaign Season Rife With Gun Rhetoric I’m not saying there are no nut jobs on the left. But these are candidates for… Continue reading Campaign Season Rife With Gun Rhetoric

What do anarchists want from us?

What, exactly, do anarchists want? It’s easier to say what they don’t want. Unlike other political movements that define themselves by what they support—like republicanism, fascism, or monarchism—anarchism is defined by what it rejects. Namely, any authority that’s imposed from above. Instead of a formal state with police and laws, anarchists envision a society in… Continue reading What do anarchists want from us?

What do anarchists want from us?

What, exactly, do anarchists want? It’s easier to say what they don’t want. Unlike other political movements that define themselves by what they support—like republicanism, fascism, or monarchism—anarchism is defined by what it rejects. Namely, any authority that’s imposed from above. Instead of a formal state with police and laws, anarchists envision a society in… Continue reading What do anarchists want from us?

Fly Over States

New Rule: If you complain about liberal elites using the term fly over state, you can not call fellow Americans French, refer to Massachusetts as Taxachusetts, refer to San Fransisco values or use Hollywood or Wall Street as dog whistle for antisemitism.

Fly Over States

New Rule: If you complain about liberal elites using the term fly over state, you can not call fellow Americans French, refer to Massachusetts as Taxachusetts, refer to San Fransisco values or use Hollywood or Wall Street as dog whistle for antisemitism.

Thomas Jefferson on Wealth Inequality

I am conscious that an equal division of property is impracticable, but the consequences of this enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind, legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind.… Continue reading Thomas Jefferson on Wealth Inequality