Who’s Running TARP? You Might Not Wanna Know

Last week, Congress’s oversight panel for the TARP funds confirmed in a report that the Treasury Department essentially has no idea what banks have done with the astronomical sums they’ve been handed. From TPMMuckraker | Talking Points Memo | Who’s Running TARP? You Might Not Wanna Know Nice jumping off point for discussions on what… Continue reading Who’s Running TARP? You Might Not Wanna Know

Prop 3/5ths

Now that the realities of Prop8 are setting in, there is talk that the LDS church is willing to compromise by supporting Civil Unions. That seems fair. And I mean fair in the most sarcastic way possibly. But in the interest of compromise, let me suggest that the LDS get behind a new ballot proposition… Continue reading Prop 3/5ths

U.S. recession began in December 2007

Now that it is clear that the U.S. recession began in December 2007 I wonder how the GOPers could possibly blame it on Clinton or Obama. I’m sure that there will be some oddball who will find some convoluted way to blame some democratic administration.

Blackwater vs. Blackbeard

Blackwater is now receiving inquiries from dozens of new clients, mainly shipping companies and shipping insurance companies. All of them want the same thing: for Blackwater mercenaries to guide their freighters and tankers safely past Somalia, through the world’s most dangerous waters, the hunting grounds of bands of pirates armed with Kalashnikovs and grenade launchers,… Continue reading Blackwater vs. Blackbeard

Al-Qaida deputy insults Obama

In a new audio message, in fact, Ayman al-Zawhri, Osama bin Laden’s number two, has some harsh things to say about the president-elect. Obama is “the direct opposite of honorable black Americans” like Malcolm X, al-Zawhri says in the tape, according to the Associated Press. Al-Zawhri also uses an old racial slur to describe Obama,… Continue reading Al-Qaida deputy insults Obama


It took them very little time to get Change.gov up. Looks like they are going to make a lot of the transition public. This is a welcome change from the past eight years of opaque government.