The real problem with the US political environment…not enough celebrities.
Author: Stable Genius
I am the very model of a Stable Genius Liberal.
Cheney’s Halliburton Stock Options Soar to $9.2 Million. And that is not counting the deferred salary.
unicef bombs smurfs
Any headline that includes the words bomb and smurfs needs no other explanation.
faux news
Fox News Admits To Being Part of the Conservative Team
Fall of the Rovean empire?
For 30 years, beginning with the Nixon presidency, advanced under Reagan, stalled with the elder Bush, a new political economy struggled to be born. The idea was pure and simple: centralization of power in the hands of the Republican Party would ensure that it never lost it again. Under George W. Bush, this new system… Continue reading Fall of the Rovean empire?
christopher hitchens on imperialism
Christopher Hitchens is a right wing pundit that annoys me to no end. Not because his arguments are flawed, but because they are so well thought out and so damn convincing. Case in point East Timor was for many years, and quite rightly, a signature cause of the Noam Chomsky “left.” The near-genocide of its… Continue reading christopher hitchens on imperialism