A Republican McCain-Lieberman ticket. Is that a fantasy? It strikes me as less improbable than the Kerry-McCain ticket MainStream Media reporters touted in 2004. From USNews.com: Opinion: Michael Barone: Barone Blog: A McCain-Lieberman ticket? Where to start. First, McCain was the favorite in the 1999 GOP nomination race. So much so that only one would… Continue reading A McCain-Lieberman ticket?
Author: Stable Genius
I am the very model of a Stable Genius Liberal.
Gain in Income Is Offset by Rise in Property Tax
Nationwide, property taxes grew 28 percent from 2000 to 2004, though income went up only 16 percent. From New York Times Anyone still willing to argue that under the Bush administration, the middle class is paying less in taxes? I for one would not be willing to defend that proposition. Likewise, anyone really willing to… Continue reading Gain in Income Is Offset by Rise in Property Tax
John Cusack Wins Restraining Order
John Cusack won a temporary restraining order Tuesday against a woman he claims has been stalking him for more than 18 months. From ABC News Anyone else imagine that woman standing in front of a beat-up car; holding a radio over her head, while Peter Gabriel music plays?
Beer baron Coors loses license for DUI
Beer baron Peter Coors’ driver’s license has been revoked by a hearing officer who ruled the executive had been driving under the influence of alcohol, officials said. From Yahoo! News Yep, that Coors caught DUI.
highway robbery
Over the years since he ascended to the pinnacle of the House leadership, however, Hastert’s fortunes have improved substantially. Last year, he and two business partners sold a parcel of land west of Chicago for a very tidy profit – only months after he’d “earmarked” hundreds of millions in federal funding for a new highway… Continue reading highway robbery
Emo Kid Beat Down Day
6/6/06 is Emo Kid Beat Down Day. Finally some good news.
Tensions High in Somalia as Thousands Protest
Tensions were high in Somalia’s capital today as the Islamic militants who seized control of Mogadishu the day before vowed to set up a religious state, but thousands of people allied with the one of the country’s largest clans held a rally to protest that move. From New York Times Bad news in the Global… Continue reading Tensions High in Somalia as Thousands Protest
Maybe I’m a cynic but I can’t help but think that the gay marriage debate is a smokescreen to keep people from noticing repeal of the estate tax. Just a thought. Why else would they be working this hard on an amendment that won’t pass? They won’t get 67 votes in the Senate. They won’t… Continue reading smokescreen
why does CNN grant an open forum to this particular whack-job and not others
When Coulter is invited to spout her putrescence on Larry King Live, the legitimacy granted to her is CNN’s fault, not Coulter’s. After all, there’s no shortage of desperate attention seekers willing to say and do outlandish things to get noticed. The question is, why does CNN grant an open forum to this particular whack-job… Continue reading why does CNN grant an open forum to this particular whack-job and not others
The Purpose Driven Life Takers
Imagine: you are a foot soldier in a paramilitary group whose purpose is to remake America as a Christian theocracy, and establish its worldly vision of the dominion of Christ over all aspects of life. You are issued high-tech military weaponry, and instructed to engage the infidel on the streets of New York City. You… Continue reading The Purpose Driven Life Takers