The United Arab Emirates newspaper splashed its front page with a picture of Abdul Rahman surrounded by his children, the eldest of whom is 36 years old and the youngest of whom is 20 days old. Two of his current three wives are also pregnant. Abdul Rahman said his large family lived in 15 houses.… Continue reading UAE father of 78 eyes new brides
Author: Stable Genius
I am the very model of a Stable Genius Liberal.
Bernanke’s `Rookie Mistake’ Forces Fed to Shift Focus
“It was a rookie mistake,” said Kenneth Thomas, a lecturer in finance at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School in Philadelphia. The Fed “underestimated liquidity needs” of investors and the fallout from the housing recession, he said, adding, “This demonstrates the difference between book-smart and street-smart.” From Bloomberg News The meeting signals Congress is looking… Continue reading Bernanke’s `Rookie Mistake’ Forces Fed to Shift Focus
Glenn Greenwald on imperial ideology
It may very well serve our “national interests” to start a war because we want to control someone else’s resources, or because we think it would be good if they had a different government, or because we want the world to fear us, or because we want to change the type of political system they… Continue reading Glenn Greenwald on imperial ideology
the secret plan?
This secret plan makes sense in a weird kinda way.
Giuliani: Leave My Kids Alone
“I love my family very, very much and will do anything for them. There are complexities in every family in America," Mr. Giuliani said, according to a dispatch from the Associated Press. The best thing I can say is kind of, "leave my family alone, just like I’ll leave your family alone." From Giuliani: Leave… Continue reading Giuliani: Leave My Kids Alone
How Karl Rove lost a generation of Republicans
The March poll from the Pew Research Center showed that 50 per cent of Americans identify as Democrats while only 35 per cent say they are Republican. The June NBC-Wall Street Journal poll showed 52 per cent of Americans would prefer a Democratic president while only 31 per cent would support a Republican, the largest… Continue reading How Karl Rove lost a generation of Republicans
The collapse of Karl Rove
A month ago, a friend who has spent his entire career working for the Republican House leadership pulled up beside me at the intersection of Seventh and Pennsylvania in Washington. A House institutionalist, and a fiercely partisan secular Republican, he was oddly cheerful. “Call me next time you’re in town,” he said. “We’ll talk about… Continue reading The collapse of Karl Rove
Gingrich calls War on Terror Phony
Newt Gingrich, former Republican House Speaker, called the war on terror “phony” in a speech to a group of young conservatives in Washington, D.C. on Thursday. … Instead of the current strategy to fight terrorism, Gingrich said we should focus on energy independence. “We have to have a national energy strategy, which basically says to… Continue reading Gingrich calls War on Terror Phony
Eliot Spitzer News
Though two independent investigations proved that no illegal activity occurred on my watch, it is crystal clear that what members of my administration did was wrong — no ifs, ands or buts.I have apologized to Joe Bruno, the Senate majority leader, and now I want to apologize to all New Yorkers. From An Apology From… Continue reading Eliot Spitzer News
The Al Qaeda Reader
These are not real grievances for al-Qaida (it does not bear mentioning that Bin Laden is probably not very concerned with campaign finance reform). They are a means of weaving local and global resentments into a single anti-American narrative, the overarching aim of which is to form a collective identity across borders and nationalities, and… Continue reading The Al Qaeda Reader