Stopping GOP bailouts and GOP socialism

Can we borrow a page from the tea party and start referring to the corporate subsidies and tax breaks to the energy, defense and agribusiness firms as bailouts? And any no-bid or closed-door contract as a take-over? And any new program or spending as socialism? I realize that this is a cynical way of doing it, but why not take… Continue reading Stopping GOP bailouts and GOP socialism

QE Is Not CM

QE is basically expansionary monetary policy, no different in its effects (if it works) from reducing the policy interest rate. Yes, it tends to weaken the exchange rate; but it also increases domestic demand. China is engaged in currency manipulation, that is, buying foreign currency to keep the yuan weak; meanwhile, it is actually moving… Continue reading QE Is Not CM

House Republicans sabotaging Michele Bachmann’s dreams

Bachmann seeks a House leadership position. Specifically, she wants to be the chairwoman of the House Republican Conference – the fourth-ranking Republican leadership post in the House, and a position once held by John Boehner, Dick Cheney, and Jack Kemp. There’s just one slight problem: She’s a prominent national Republican solely because she says insane… Continue reading House Republicans sabotaging Michele Bachmann’s dreams

Republicans begin carving up bank reform

The great irony here is that the Volcker rule was the Obama administration’s direct response to the upset election of Republican Scott Brown in Massachusetts. Brown capitalized on anger against the bank bailout in his successful campaign, and the White House correctly realized it needed a course correction that signaled a stronger line against the… Continue reading Republicans begin carving up bank reform

Government By Tea Partiers

Flushing Township, Michigan is an early case study: “Even communism looks good on paper,” said Zimmerman, 55, who manages a chain of hardware stores. “Even though I agree with some of their ideals, there’s no compromise when you’re dealing with a revolutionary.” Gardner, who founded a countywide tea party, said that was the point. “That’s… Continue reading Government By Tea Partiers