In his book On Bullshit, Harry G. Frankfurt argues that the difference between lies and bullshit is that while a liar knows what the truth is and chooses falsehood, the bullshitter does not know the truth and does not care.
Justice Thomas will not recuse himself and everyone should explain why
Justice Thomas is accountable to no one. The GOP will not vote to remove him from office. Justice Thomas will not recuse himself in conflicts of interest let alone resign. He doesn’t have to and no one can make him.
No one actually thinks fertilized eggs are people
Begging the question on when life starts and claiming that the only thing the law must do is enforce a woman’s obligation to carry an embryo to term.
Bullshit mountain happened ten years ago.
The idea that the GOP has lost touch with reality and is focused on non-issues isn’t a new idea. Ten years ago, Jon Stewart faced Bill O’Reilly and coined the term “Bullshit Mountain” for what is now sometimes called the Fox Cinematic Universe. Every moment of this debate feels current because the fundamental problem of… Continue reading Bullshit mountain happened ten years ago.
It’s better to be a swing state than a colony
Republicans have missed an opportunity they almost never miss. They could have crafted a narrative that if Biden came through with aid for Florida, he was buying votes. If Biden stalled-wanting climate change to be addressed in an aid package-then he was ignoring Red state voters. That kind of damned if you do, damned if… Continue reading It’s better to be a swing state than a colony
Conspiracy theories have been a core organizing feature of the modern GOP for the past half century.
Donald Trump deploys conspiracy theory as a political mobilizing tool designed to capture anger at the liberal establishment, to legitimize racial resentment and to unite voters who feel oppressed by what they see as a dominant socially progressive culture. From: Opinion | Why Conspiracy Theories Flourish in Trump’s America – The New York Times No,… Continue reading Conspiracy theories have been a core organizing feature of the modern GOP for the past half century.
Everyone knows why Fox will not cover Jan 6th
There is a feedback loop between right wing media hosts telling the base only what they want to hear and the base only listening to media that tells them what they want to hear.
Stop calling them Trump Judges
Every single awful judicial activist being called a Trump Judge is a federalist society member picked by the GOP establishment.
Defunding versus Replacing: why are they being covered so differently?
The Washington Post recently published an article on the newest Right wing conspiracy, WRT. White replacement theory. Last December, the Associated Press and NORC conducted a large national poll examining conspiratorial ideas including this one. They found that nearly half of Republicans agree to at least some extent with the idea that there’s a deliberate… Continue reading Defunding versus Replacing: why are they being covered so differently?
Elon Musk is building his own safe space.
I think people on both the left and right are getting Elon’s Twitter purchase wrong. If you ignore what Elon is saying and focus on how Elon actually acts on Twitter-it’s pretty clear that what he wants is a Twitter where people with Blue Checks are free to say any crap they want; as long… Continue reading Elon Musk is building his own safe space.