The White House press secretary said that Trump “took the initiative” to award himself the Peace Prize rather than “waiting around” for the Nobel committee. Trump Orders Replica Nobel Peace Prize to Display on His Desk To put it next to his fake Time Man of the Year cover?
Rob Reiner on Twitter
“Richard Nixon was driven from office over obstruction of justice and abuse of power. Donald Trump, at a minimum, has done those things in plain sight. Difference is current GOP is ok with that. Today’s WH mtg. with DOJ is a big shot over Democracy’s bow. We’re heading for war.” Rob Reiner on Twitter Meathead… Continue reading Rob Reiner on Twitter
Woke Romney on Twitter
“I think it’s hilarious that so many Republicans believe that President Obama sent a spy into the Trump campaign to get dirt, and then didn’t use any of the dirt and just let Trump win the election. Brilliant plan!” Woke Romney on Twitter
Yes, a Reasonable Prosecutor Would Have Ordered an Investigation of the Trump Campaign | National Review
I find the notion that the Russia investigation itself was corrupt from the beginning to be so bizarre as to border on fantastical. There was ample reason to investigate whether the Trump campaign had improper contacts with Russians. … The CIA, NSA, FBI, and the Republican-run Senate Intelligence Committee agree that this disruption operation morphed… Continue reading Yes, a Reasonable Prosecutor Would Have Ordered an Investigation of the Trump Campaign | National Review
American mass transit is dying
Three of the four largest systems in the country have been crippled this winter — and the worst is yet to come American mass transit is dying This is a preventable catastrophe.
‘Too inconvenient’: Trump goes rogue on phone security
The president, who relies on cell phones to reach outside advisers and to tweet to his millions of followers, has rebuffed attempts by White House staff to beef up security on his official devices. ‘Too inconvenient’: Trump goes rogue on phone security Remember when using an non-secure phone was a big deal?
‘Corporations Are People’ Is Built on an Incredible 19th-Century Lie
Somewhat unintuitively, American corporations today enjoy many of the same rights as American citizens. Both, for instance, are entitled to the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion. via ‘Corporations Are People’ Is Built on an Incredible 19th-Century Lie Worth a read.
Chris Hayes on Twitter
“This MS-13 nonsense has precisely the same structure as the racist drug war rhetoric of the crack years. Politicians would use wildly racist language to describe drug dealers, but if called on it would say “oh so you’re defending drug dealers?”” Chris Hayes on Twitter
The Republican Party’s Generational Bet
The GOP is doubling down on its older white base—and hoping the more diverse Millennials don’t show up to the polls. via The Republican Party’s Generational Bet TLDR; The GOP has nothing to offer anyone, except identity politics.
There Is Only One Trump Scandal
There are not many Trump scandals. There is one Trump scandal. Singular: the corruption of the American government by the president and his associates, who are using their official power for personal and financial gain rather than for the welfare of the American people, and their attempts to shield that corruption from political consequences, public… Continue reading There Is Only One Trump Scandal