Trump says, without proof, that Mueller team will meddle in midterm elections

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump alleged Tuesday — without providing any evidence — that special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation will meddle in the midterm elections to benefit Democrats. via Trump says, without proof, that Mueller team will meddle in midterm elections In Trumpland, anything good is the result of his being perfect; anything bad is the… Continue reading Trump says, without proof, that Mueller team will meddle in midterm elections

We should take the pro-Trump media machine very seriously

President Trump’s supporters believe that special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is “unethical,” “desperate,” “partisan” and “a liar.” That is one of the key takeaways from a focus group that Democratic pollster Peter D. via We should take the pro-Trump media machine very seriously Paid protestors.

Harley-Davidson workers stunned by plant closure after tax cut

Tim Primeaux has worked at the Harley-Davidson plant in Kansas City, Missouri, for 17 years. He was sure he was going to retire from the company. That all changed when Harley-Davidson told its 800 employees in January that the plant will be closing next year. via Harley-Davidson workers stunned by plant closure after tax cut… Continue reading Harley-Davidson workers stunned by plant closure after tax cut

Authors of GOP tax law disperse to lobby firms

At least a half dozen high-profile GOP staffers have departed or are departing Capitol Hill, swapping jobs in the legislative branch for plum postings at firms like Akin Gump and Squire Patton Boggs. via Authors of GOP tax law disperse to lobby firms If you weren’t in on the con, you were the mark.

The Right-Wing Millennial Machine

Thompson is on the mailing lists for several conservative youth organizations, and says they feature “nonstop travel scholarships, fellowships and opportunities.” Her progressive lists don’t offer nearly the same volume of funded positions. via The Right-Wing Millennial Machine In other words, campus indoctrination of future paid protestors.

Public Demands Investigation of Why F.B.I. Infiltrators in Trump Campaign Failed to Prevent Him from Being Elected

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Millions of Americans are demanding an investigation into why, if F.B.I. operatives managed to infiltrate the 2016 Trump campaign, they utterly failed to prevent a nightmarish despot from being elected. via Public Demands Investigation of Why F.B.I. Infiltrators in Trump Campaign Failed to Prevent Him from Being Elected

Giuliani says origin of Mueller probe was ‘illegitimate’

“I’m not saying Mueller is illegitimate. I’m saying the basis on which he was appointed was illegitimate” Giuliani says origin of Mueller probe was ‘illegitimate’ Anyone want to compare to white water or Benghazi or any of the other GOP witch hunts? If it weren’t for double standards, would the GOP have any standards at… Continue reading Giuliani says origin of Mueller probe was ‘illegitimate’

Clapper: ‘No doubt’ Russia is the reason Trump won

“Less than eighty thousand votes in three key states swung the election,” the excerpt continues. “I have no doubt that more votes than that were influenced by this massive effort by the Russian.” Clapper: ‘No doubt’ Russia is the reason Trump won This is Clapper who served the intelligence community under every president since Bush41.

New Poll: Most Americans don’t realize Robert Mueller’s investigation has uncovered crimes

“A majority of Americans — 59 percent — say in a new survey that Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia and the 2016 campaign has not yet uncovered evidence of any crimes, even though in reality, Mueller has already obtained five guilty pleas and 17 criminal indictments.” New Poll: Most Americans don’t realize Robert Mueller’s investigation… Continue reading New Poll: Most Americans don’t realize Robert Mueller’s investigation has uncovered crimes