2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz

88% Barack Obama86% John Edwards86% Chris Dodd84% Bill Richardson82% Mike Gravel81% Hillary Clinton81% Dennis Kucinich79% Joe Biden42% Rudy Giuliani36% John McCain30% Mike Huckabee28% Mitt Romney24% Ron Paul22% Tom Tancredo19% Fred Thompson2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz No surprise here.

A Vast Right-Wing Hypocrisy

Richard Mellon Scaife, billionaire bankroller of conservative crusades, spent heavily to expose Bill Clinton’€™s “€œTroopergate"€ misbehavior. Now Scaife’s divorce from his second wife, Ritchie, is providing another unsavory saga…adultery! addiction! assault! dognapping!?! From A Vast Right-Wing Hypocrisy: Politics & Power: vanityfair.com I used to joke that there is no vast right wing conspiracy, but there… Continue reading A Vast Right-Wing Hypocrisy


A nod to Mr. Gone for pointing out that the IDIOTAROD is in a few weeks. When I was ten or eleven I saw Ben Hur on a tiny black and white TV. The chariot race convinced the reptile parts of my brain that Charlton Heston was the coolest person on earth. Within a week… Continue reading IDIOTAROD NYC

The Burger King and The Tomato Serfs

In 2005, Florida tomato pickers gained their first significant pay raise since the late 1970s when Taco Bell ended a consumer boycott by agreeing to pay an extra penny per pound for its tomatoes, with the extra cent going directly to the farm workers. Last April, McDonald’s agreed to a similar arrangement, increasing the wages… Continue reading The Burger King and The Tomato Serfs

stem-cell research breakthrough

Stemming the controversy: Scientists announced Tuesday that they’ve discovered a way to cultivate stem cells using skin cells instead of embryos. This could mean that potential cures for everything from Parkinson’s disease to Alzheimer’s might circumvent the morally fraught debate over whether stem-cell research is a handmaid to infanticide, as many critics have claimed. From… Continue reading stem-cell research breakthrough

Newt is a Theodore Roosevelt Republican?

I don’t know of anybody who argues for unregulated free enterprise. I’m a Theodore Roosevelt Republican. I like the fact that the government requires that I have clean water to drink no matter what restaurant I walk into anywhere in America. From Salon I’m feeling charitably; so I’m not going to pick-nits. As much as… Continue reading Newt is a Theodore Roosevelt Republican?