Missouri farmer calls Democrats “party of parasites”

The Raytown farmer who posted a sign on a semi-truck trailer accusing Democrats of being the “Party of Parasites” received more than $1 million in federal crop subsidies since 1995. From Missouri farmer calls Democrats “party of parasites” This doesn’t surprise me one bit. In practice most people use terms like Socialism, Fascism etc to… Continue reading Missouri farmer calls Democrats “party of parasites”

Dr. Paul: Not board-certified

Libertarian ideology rejects most of the modern regulatory systems that protect consumers, because everyone should be responsible for determining whether the hamburger contains E. coli on his own. But does that do-it-yourself dogma apply to the regulation of medicine, too? If you’re Dr. Rand Paul, practicing ophthalmologist, the answer is emphatically yes. From Dr. Paul:… Continue reading Dr. Paul: Not board-certified

Evolution – Eschaton

Evolution We don’t torture. Enhanced interrogation is not torture. A few bad apples tortured. Expert interrogators tortured. The president ordered torture and he’d do it again. From Eschaton by Atrios Nothing more needs to be said.

The Principles of Rand Paul

No ideology survives the collision with real-world politics perfectly intact. General principles have to bend to accommodate the complexities of history, and justice is sometimes better served by compromise than by zealous intellectual consistency. This was all that Rand Paul needed to admit, after his victory in Kentucky’s Republican Senate primary, when NPR and Rachel… Continue reading The Principles of Rand Paul

Paul Krugman calls out Cantor on budget cuts

The real story here is that the sums involved are ludicrously trivial; eliminating everything on Cantor’s list would amount to a rounding error on federal spending. … The truth is that it has always been like this. Ever since Reagan, the conservative approach has been to talk about the need for smaller government, but refuse… Continue reading Paul Krugman calls out Cantor on budget cuts

Brooklyn prosecutors clear local ACORN office

A four-month investigation by the Brooklyn district attorney found no evidence that the local ACORN office had engaged in any criminal conduct, despite the hype conservative media gave to tapes of a fake prostitute asking for help from the organization. From Brooklyn prosecutors clear local ACORN office – War Room – Salon.com The whole ACORN… Continue reading Brooklyn prosecutors clear local ACORN office

System FAIL

“GOP member: ‘I’d like this in the bill.’ "Dem member response: ‘If we put it in, will you vote for the bill?’"GOP member:  ‘You know I can’t vote for the bill.’ "Dem member:  ‘Then why should we put it in the bill?’ From System FAIL – The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan This is… Continue reading System FAIL