Where is the Palestinian Gandhi? If such a man exists, he is sitting in an Israeli military prison

Abu Rahmah’s crime was organizing illegal demonstrations in a West Bank village where all demonstrations are by definition illegal. Abu Rahmah, 39, had long been involved in peaceful, multiethnic protests in the village of Bil’in, where Israel’s separation wall has cut Palestinians off from hundreds of acres of their land. Though barely covered in the… Continue reading Where is the Palestinian Gandhi? If such a man exists, he is sitting in an Israeli military prison

Obama’s silent majority

Liberal commentators and activists and interest group leaders may be seething over Obama, but their rage has not trickled down to the Democratic voters (and, in particular, the Democratic voters who identify themselves as liberals), even though they’ve been venting their grief for the better part of two years. As I noted earlier this week,… Continue reading Obama’s silent majority

Juan Williams on Unemployment Insurance

Juan Williams explains how continuing unemployment insurance is hurting the unemployed by keeping them from working and thus losing their work ethic, losing their values and also not dressing well or getting up from bed in the morning and thus not able to get a job From Talking Points Memo Therefore recessions are caused by… Continue reading Juan Williams on Unemployment Insurance

House Dems Pass Only Middle Class Tax Cut Bill

Using a wily procedural maneuver to tie Republican hands, House Democrats managed to pass, by a vote of 234-188, legislation that will allow the Bush tax cuts benefiting only the wealthiest Americans to expire. From House Dems Pass Only Middle Class Tax Cut Bill Lets see what happens on the Senate side.

What is a family? Chart Of The Day

From Pew: Catherine Rampell hopes that “Pew continues to ask this particular question in the future”: It’ll be interesting to see how the evolving definitions of such social terms affect how Americans think about the social safety net and related economy policies. The whole report, which takes a look at the state of marriage and… Continue reading What is a family? Chart Of The Day

The Great American Cleaving

this is the first time in the history of exit polling that moderates were not the largest ideological voting block. They were trumped by conservatives. Instead of moving toward the middle, we are drifting toward the extremes. From The Great American Cleaving The problem is that ideology is easy and policy is hard. Partisan media… Continue reading The Great American Cleaving

A thought about Charlie Rangel

The same demagogic blow hards like Rush and Hannity who are calling the dems racists for backing the ethics investigations of Charlie Rangel would be decrying reverse-racism if the charges were dropped.