“The global war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world,” the report reads. “Fifty years after the initiation of the UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, and 40 years after President Nixon launched the US government’s war on drugs, fundamental reforms in national and global drug control policies… Continue reading Global Commission Of Former Officials Says War On Drugs Has Failed
Category: politics
Religion and Sex Quiz
Think you know what the Bible says about social issues like abortion and same-sex marriage? Take this quiz and let’s see. From NYT Kristof on the gap between what the bible says and what the bible also says. Or why the bible is an awful political policy guide.
Fmr. Dem Rep. Cynthia McKinney appears on Libyan state TV to speak up for Muammar Qaddafi.
Fmr. Dem Rep. Cynthia McKinney appears on Libyan state TV to speak up for Muammar Qaddafi.
What a total embarrassment.
We’re All Rationers
Certainly telling seniors to buy all their own health care is a complete political (and ethical) non-starter. But telling seniors to pay for more of their own health care — well, it’s hard to see how else we can hope to reduce Medicare’s fiscal burden. Maybe the premium support/voucher model that the Ryan budget proposes… Continue reading We’re All Rationers
Senate GOP filibusters oil company subsidy repeal bill.
Senate Republicans successfully filibuster oil company subsidy repeal bill. From Senate GOP filibusters oil company subsidy repeal bill. When government helps you it’s godless socialism. When government helps me, it’s just common sense.
Get the Government Out of My Government!
When you own a hotel and bar Black people what happens is that if Black people comes in and sleep in the beds you call the police–functionaries of the state–and they then take the Black people away and charge them with trespass. When you own a bus and require Black people to sit in the… Continue reading Get the Government Out of My Government!
If W Were A Democrat …
Can you imagine what Fox News would make of what the former president was doing when he was told to call the White House because of bin Laden’s death: “I was eating souffle … ” From If W Were A Democrat … Sad but true.
The Widespread Occurrence of White Supremacist, Treasonous, and Pro-Slavery License Plates
The Civil War is over and American public culture generally avows the principle that abiding by election results is good, armed rebellion against the US government is bad, and chattel slavery is very bad. Nonetheless monuments to the idea of launching an armed rebellion against the US government when a political party hostile to chattel… Continue reading The Widespread Occurrence of White Supremacist, Treasonous, and Pro-Slavery License Plates
Newt Gingrich Used To Love Individual Health Insurance Mandates
Citizens should not be able to cheat their neighbors by not buying insurance, particularly when they can afford it, and expect others to pay for their care when they need it.” An “individual mandate,” he added, should be applied “when the larger health-care system has been fundamentally changed.” […] “Finally, we should insist that everyone… Continue reading Newt Gingrich Used To Love Individual Health Insurance Mandates
Osama: Poster boy for defense waste
The point here is not to suggest that bin Laden shouldn’t have been aggressively pursued, or to imply that the Navy SEALs who ultimately neutralized him aren’t heroes. But it is to say that the numbers next to the photo make the al-Qaida leader the new poster boy for defense budget waste. Simply put, if… Continue reading Osama: Poster boy for defense waste