70% of Occupy Wall Streeters are Employed, Compared to 56% of Tea Partiers
That still means that they have an unemployment rate that is 3 times the current national rate.
The Red White and Blue Pill
70% of Occupy Wall Streeters are Employed, Compared to 56% of Tea Partiers
That still means that they have an unemployment rate that is 3 times the current national rate.
War on Drugs or Welfare State?
If the War on Drugs didn’t directly precipitate the Welfare State and the destruction of the American black family, why did welfare aid to families spike in lockstep with our prison population right as that War started? Well, if you’re familiar American drug laws, it shouldn’t surprise you that some 90% of those arrested under the Rockefeller Drug Laws in the years after its passage were minorities. Sure, correlation doesn’t prove causation – but when you stop a moment and consider that marriage requires an eligible male, it’s not that hard to figure out why the modern Welfare State emerged in tandem with our War on Drugs, as it’s a little bit difficult to marry someone behind bars:
Why is anyone surprised that the same GOP base that doesn’t care if women die because they can’t get an abortion would be bothered by women being sexual harassed?
Quinnipiac Poll: Obama Shows Marked Improvement
“President Barack Obama seems to be improving in voters’ eyes almost across-the-board,” said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute in a release. “He scores big gains among the groups with whom he has had the most problems – whites and men. Women also shift from a five-point negative to a four-point positive.”
Good news, I think.
to move forward and make a difference, Occupy Wall Street needs specific goals backed by a more coherent, more inspiring vision for American democracy. To their credit, protestors have recently begun debating which specific demands the movement should make, but their conversations appear to be unguided by any deeper wisdom. A perfect intellectual touchstone would… Continue reading Rawls on Wall Street
Conservative Activist: Why OWS Should Protest The Super Scary George Soros
Numerous conservatives have slammed Occupy Wall Street for protesting the “wrong” people. Rather than the bankers who ran the global economy into the ground during the Bush era, it’s the current White House that deserves the people’s ire, they say. However, conservative activist Cliff Kincaid has a new target for populist outrage: Democratic-leaning financier George Soros… and he’s got the kooky conspiracy theory diagrams to prove it!
Translation: Protest Democrats and liberal donors, not Republicans and GOP donors.
Koch Head Conservative Filmmaker Hands Out Bongs At #OWS
“It’s ironic to me to watch someone claim to be standing for constitutional rights and liberty, a la Cato/Koch and yet sneer at the people out protesting, exercising their right of assembly and speech. Maloney is predictably conservative: ready to defend the rights of conservatives, and everyone else be damned. Oh, and if he can set them up to look like perennially-high, dope-smoking hippies? Even better”
Not surprised about this. This is classic hippie-punching.
If Iraq is stable a year after the end of the troop withdrawal, the GOP will credit Bush. If it falls apart, the GOP will blame Obama.
Twelve Pretty Racist Or Just Crazy Quotes From Pat Buchanan’s New Book
Why do they still let this man on TV?