From jamiemottram by way of andrewsullivan
Category: politics
Putting the Hip in Hypocrisy
If you ever compared Bush to Hitler and are now offended by people comparing Obama to Hitler; you’re a hypocrite.
Newt. Again.
My first though on The Return of Newt Gingrich is that if you’re trying to prove that your party does have fresh new ideas, and you decide to demonstrate that by digging up the party leader from 1994 then you are getting dangerously close to verifying the morbidity of the party via Proof by Contradiction.… Continue reading Newt. Again.
Ron Paul’s Pork-Barrel
Rep. Ron Paul vehemently denounced the $410 billion catch-all spending bill approved last week by the House of Representatives. But although the libertarian-leaning Republican from Lake Jackson cast a vote against the massive spending measure, his fingerprints were on some of the earmarks that helped inflate its cost. Paul played a role in obtaining 22… Continue reading Ron Paul’s Pork-Barrel
Banking on the Brink
Lately the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has been seizing banks it deems insolvent at the rate of about two a week. When the F.D.I.C. seizes a bank, it takes over the bank’s bad assets, pays off some of its debt, and resells the cleaned-up institution to private investors. And that’s exactly what advocates of temporary… Continue reading Banking on the Brink
GOP Problem Solver
If you want to know the Republican solution to your biggest problems, check out the GOP Problem Solver
Lessons From Japan in Stemming a Crisis
“I thought America had studied Japan’s failures,” said Hirofumi Gomi, a top official at Japan’s Financial Services Agency during the crisis. “Why is it making the same mistakes?” From Lessons From Japan in Stemming a Crisis – Good question.
Gore Presidency Retrospective
the biggest disappointment was Gore’s failure to handle Hurricane Katrina properly. Not only did the massive evacuation of New Orleans prove a costly and time-consuming overreaction, since the levees – fortified in 2003 – held up fine. The emergency management agency also took over 24 hours to set up trailers for evacuees along the Gulf… Continue reading Gore Presidency Retrospective
Scare of the day
Paul Krugman said it best when it said this isn’t your father’s recession. This is your grandfather’s recession. This looks really bad.
Palin as model for GOP
43 percent of Republicans say the party has been too moderate over the past eight years. 55 percent say they think Palin should become the model for the national GOP. From Poll: Republicans want Palin as model for GOP – War Room – I can only assume that misunderstood the context for the word… Continue reading Palin as model for GOP