Washington is suddenly convulsed by a debate that should have taken place three years ago, and the sleeping giant known as the American public is finally awakening to the deceptions that led to war. Emotion, instinct, and other proclivities may be the driving force behind support or opposition for war, but reason and logic are… Continue reading making hay from straw-men
Author: Stable Genius
I am the very model of a Stable Genius Liberal.
Door thwarts quick exit for Bush
President George W Bush tried to make a quick exit from a news conference in Beijing on Sunday – only to find himself thwarted by locked doors. from the BBC but it could have been from The Onion.
yellow elephant bingo
Play along at home.
Occam’s toothrush
What do you have to believe in order to keep alive your conviction that the Bush administration conspired to launch a lie-based war? Normally I really like reading Christopher Hitchens but this recent article is just so bad I had to spew a little venom. What are the problems: as that which arose from the… Continue reading Occam’s toothrush
bad hair
What to know why I refuse to sign up to myspace? This says it all.
GOP memo
A confidential memo circulating among senior Republican leaders suggests that a new attack by terrorists on U.S. soil could reverse the sagging fortunes of President George W. Bush as well as the GOP and “restore his image as a leader of the American people.” The closely-guarded memo lays out a list of scenarios to bring… Continue reading GOP memo
The Senate voted Thursday to strip captured “enemy combatants” at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, of the principal legal tool given to them last year by the Supreme Court when it allowed them to challenge their detentions in United States courts. From The NYT. The question being, when did giving Big Government more power become a Conservative… Continue reading values
news mashups
paris hilton + paris riots = paris hilton riots Google news reports 17 hits. I’m wondering if this might be a cool new net-sport. Take a news item and mash in a celebrity name and see how many hits are produced.
FDR Quote
Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough. Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd US President (1882-1945) Makes me wonder why anyone would be against the McCain amendment no person in the custody or under effective control of the… Continue reading FDR Quote
putting the hip in hypocrisy
You gotta love the way GOPpers can’t see hypocrisy in the Bush administration while being hyper-aware of every action in France. Or the way they are hyper-aware of the demand a windfall profit tax for the oil industry and willfully ignorant of the history of energy subsidies for the energy industry. I could go on,… Continue reading putting the hip in hypocrisy