The story itself, although ugly, isn’t that important. But it offers a window into a reality few people, certainly in the news media, are willing to acknowledge: the bad faith that pervades conservative discourse. And yes, I do mean “conservative.” There are dishonest individuals of every political persuasion, but if you’re looking for systematic gaslighting,… Continue reading Intellectuals, Politics and Bad Faith
Author: Stable Genius
I am the very model of a Stable Genius Liberal.
Sounds about right.
If you’re wondering where lies as a policy started, it started with the last GOP administration.
The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,” which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.” I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,”… Continue reading If you’re wondering where lies as a policy started, it started with the last GOP administration.
NFL Owner Testifies Under Oath that He Changed His Mind About Hiring Kaepernick After Trump’s Comments
An NFL owner testified under penalty of perjury that he changed his mind about hiring NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick because of President Trump’s comments, Kaepernick’s attorney Mark Geragos told me on my podcast “Straight Aim” Tuesday . The Kaepernick legal team has already conducted more than 14… NFL Owner Testifies Under Oath that He Changed… Continue reading NFL Owner Testifies Under Oath that He Changed His Mind About Hiring Kaepernick After Trump’s Comments
Trump Hypes Jobs Report Hour Before It’s Released
“No president has ever given the public any indication of what that report might look like before its release.” Trump Hypes Jobs Report Hour Before It’s Released Today, president Trump took a break from his normal hysterical ranting about leaking to leak official data before release. Any BLS employee would have been fired or worse… Continue reading Trump Hypes Jobs Report Hour Before It’s Released
no one noticed?
Trump, on NFL, suggests players who kneel ‘shouldn’t be in the country’
“I think the people pushed it forward. This was not me. I brought it out,“ Trump says. Trump, on NFL, suggests players who kneel ‘shouldn’t be in the country’ Snowflake in chief demands self censorship to protect his feelings. It’s this kind of political correctness gone mad that is responsible for the GOP losing special… Continue reading Trump, on NFL, suggests players who kneel ‘shouldn’t be in the country’
I never borrowed your phone! Also, it was already broken when you gave it to me. And it was working just fine when I returned it.
Giuliani: Trump personally asked his lawyer to attend classified briefing on FBI informant
“The President personally wanted Emmet there today,” the Trump lawyer said. Giuliani: Trump personally asked his lawyer to attend classified briefing on FBI informant The right wing concern trolls who went nuts over Bill Clinton meeting with Lynch don’t give a crap about this.
Right-wing prof Niall Ferguson plotted to get dirt on a liberal student
The latest campus free speech controversy has a twist: It involves a conservative professor conspiring with students, in emails that sound like they were written by comic book villains, to dig up dirt on a progressive undergraduate. (via Right-wing prof Niall Ferguson plotted to get dirt on a liberal student – Vox) Paid protestors! Campus… Continue reading Right-wing prof Niall Ferguson plotted to get dirt on a liberal student