The two later backtracked under questioning from Rep. Hakeem JeffriesHakeem Sekou JeffriesHouse Judiciary delays markup of prison reform bill Music bill backed by streaming services advances in the House Prison reforms groups battle over strategy MORE (D-N.Y. via Diamond and Silk say under oath they weren’t paid by Trump campaign; FEC filings say otherwise They… Continue reading Diamond and Silk say under oath they weren’t paid by Trump campaign; FEC filings say otherwise
Republican Senate Candidate, Who Has Called for Country ‘Free From Jews,’ Could be Dianne Feinstein’s Challenger
Overt anti-Semites have been slowly creeping into Republican politics in the aftermath of President Trump’s successful, populist candidacy, and now one of them has a fighting chance of representing the Republican Party in a Senate race. via Republican Senate Candidate, Who Has Called for Country ‘Free From Jews,’ Could be Dianne Feinstein’s Challenger “Economic anxiety”
Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they’ll impeach me
A Quinnipiac poll released on Thursday shows that if Democrats win control of the House, more than 70 percent of their supporters want them to begin impeachment proceedings. via Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they’ll impeach me Guy who ran on a promise of an extra-constitutional jailing of a political opponent is upset… Continue reading Trump: If Dems win in 2018 midterms, they’ll impeach me
Charlie Kirk is a snowflake
Rebellious Teen Donald Trump Keeps Sneaking His Personal Cell Phone
Rebellious Teen Donald Trump Keeps Sneaking His Personal Cell Phone
I’m starting to think the GOP wasn’t sincere in it’s concern about using personal devices for official government communications.
Sean Hannity Isn’t A Journalist And Fox News Isn’t News
Sean Hannity Isn’t A Journalist And Fox News Isn’t News
Sean Hannity remained Fox’s strongest Trump backer. An early supporter during the Republican primaries, Hannity’s boosting on air went into overdrive once Trump took the White House.
Also: water is wet, night is dark and gravity makes things fall to earth.
A Culture of Violent White Guys
The Multnomah County Republican Party, aka the Republicans of the county that includes the city of Portland, Oregon, voted last June to use members of the paramilitary groups the Oath Keepers and Three Percenters as private security for their events. via A Culture of Violent White Guys This should be a far bigger story
Larry Kudlow may have been more wrong about the economy than anyone alive
This is the same president, after all, who tapped to be the chief scientist at the Agriculture Department a talk-radio host who is not a scientist, named a brain surgeon to run the Department of Housing and Urban Development and floated the idea of his personal pilot as head the Federal Aviation Administration. A party… Continue reading Larry Kudlow may have been more wrong about the economy than anyone alive
Unicorns of the Intellectual Right
while there are many conservative economists with appointments at top universities, publications in top journals, and so on, they have no influence on conservative policymaking. What the right wants are charlatans and cranks, in (conservative) Greg Mankiw’s famous phrase. If they use actual economists, they use them the way a drunkard uses a lamppost: for… Continue reading Unicorns of the Intellectual Right
GOP tax law will add $1.9 trillion to debt: CBO
The GOP’s signature tax law is projected to increase the national debt by $1.9 trillion between 2018 and 2028, according to a new report by the Congressional Budget Office. According to the report, the tax law would cost the government $2. via GOP tax law will add $1.9 trillion to debt: CBO The whole point was… Continue reading GOP tax law will add $1.9 trillion to debt: CBO