Fat Tony Defends Trump Part 1
The Libertarian Who Accidentally Helped Make the Case for Regulation
When Tabarrok and his former grad student Nathan Goldschlag set out to measure how federal regulations impact business growth, they were sure they’d find proof that regulations were dragging down the economy. But they didn’t. No matter how they sliced the data, they could find no evidence that federal regulation was bad for business. via… Continue reading The Libertarian Who Accidentally Helped Make the Case for Regulation
Poll: 60 percent of Americans say Trump is usually dishonest
The survey results came a day after The Washington Post’s Fact Checker reported that Trump has made more than 3,000 false or misleading statements since taking office last year. Perceptions of the president’s honesty are largely divided along party lines. via Poll: 60 percent of Americans say Trump is usually dishonest
Giuliani: Trump reimbursed Cohen for $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels
Giuliani says Trump repaid Cohen the $130,000 used as hush money for Stormy Daniels pic.twitter. via Giuliani: Trump reimbursed Cohen for $130,000 payment to Stormy Daniels It took weeks to go from “fake news” to “he didn’t know” and finally to “so what if he paid the porn star hush money before the election”
President Trump warns if Democrats win midterms he will be impeached
President Donald Trump at a Michigan rally warns Republicans to maintain the House Majority, otherwise he would face impeachment. Veuer’s Maria Mercedes Galuppo has more. Buzz60 via President Trump warns if Democrats win midterms he will be impeached Guy who promised his supporters he would use an extra-constitutional process to jail a political opponent is… Continue reading President Trump warns if Democrats win midterms he will be impeached
Subway shover in ‘MAGA’ hat spouted anti-Mexican slurs
The subway shover who donned a red “Make America Great Again” shirt and hat when he pushed a Hispanic man onto the Manhattan subway tracks last week spewed racial slurs at his victim and mimicked campaign statements made by President Trump, authorities said Sunday. via Subway shover in ‘MAGA’ hat spouted anti-Mexican slurs Economic Anxiety.
The ‘campus free speech crisis’ is a myth. Here are the facts.
According to some critics, however, students today are turning their backs on that concept of welcoming free speech. Instead, the argument goes, young people want to transform campuses into “safe spaces” where offensive speech is banned and political correctness is enforced. There’s just one problem: This narrative is wrong. via The ‘campus free speech crisis’… Continue reading The ‘campus free speech crisis’ is a myth. Here are the facts.
Exclusive: Bornstein claims Trump dictated the glowing health letter
Exclusive: Bornstein claims Trump dictated the glowing health letter
Everyone knew this already.
How Antifa Broke The Alt-Right
Antifa has been so effective at disrupting the gatherings of like-minded monsters that the monsters gave in to their natural inclination of infighting that’s always kept them from uniting. Antifa has also made it dangerous, socially and financially, to openly be a white nationalist and even more dangerous to get together and look for people… Continue reading How Antifa Broke The Alt-Right
There’s no good alternative to building more homes in expensive cities
the fact of the matter is that everyone earns higher wages in affluent cities, for basically the same reason that everyone from Mexican day laborers to Indian computer programmers can greatly increase their earnings by immigrating to the United States — places matter. The problem is that for a lot of people, it’s too expensive… Continue reading There’s no good alternative to building more homes in expensive cities