Trump, on NFL, suggests players who kneel ‘shouldn’t be in the country’

“I think the people pushed it forward. This was not me. I brought it out,“ Trump says. Trump, on NFL, suggests players who kneel ‘shouldn’t be in the country’ Snowflake in chief demands self censorship to protect his feelings. It’s this kind of political correctness gone mad that is responsible for the GOP losing special… Continue reading Trump, on NFL, suggests players who kneel ‘shouldn’t be in the country’


I never borrowed your phone! Also, it was already broken when you gave it to me. And it was working just fine when I returned it.

Right-wing prof Niall Ferguson plotted to get dirt on a liberal student

The latest campus free speech controversy has a twist: It involves a conservative professor conspiring with students, in emails that sound like they were written by comic book villains, to dig up dirt on a progressive undergraduate. (via Right-wing prof Niall Ferguson plotted to get dirt on a liberal student – Vox) Paid protestors! Campus… Continue reading Right-wing prof Niall Ferguson plotted to get dirt on a liberal student

Trump’s memo response to Mueller’s interview subpoena is tyrannical

This is a particularly extreme version of the “unitary executive” doctrine that conservative legal scholars sometimes appeal to (especially when there’s a Republican president), drawing on the notion that the executive branch of government — including the federal police agencies and federal prosecutors — are a single entity personified by the president. But to push… Continue reading Trump’s memo response to Mueller’s interview subpoena is tyrannical


The week Trump went full dictator and no one tried to stop him | Will Bunch It sounds bad when you describe it this way: The president of the United States explicitly violating a government rule to divulge secret jobs data, causing a billions-of-dollars move in the world’s financial markets. via The week Trump went… Continue reading Untitled

Admission that Trump dictated statement on Trump Tower meeting raises new questions

“You have the lawyer of the president of the United States, Jay Sekulow — and, on separate occasions, you have had Rudy Giuliani do this — basically lie to the American people repeatedly,” Bharara said. (via Admission that Trump dictated statement on Trump Tower meeting raises new questions | TheHill) This is not normal.