Last week, it emerged that the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (U.S.C.I.S.) had formed a task force in order to identify people who lied on their citizenship applications and to denaturalize them. via In America, Naturalized Citizens No Longer Have an Assumption of Permanence The administration is already getting the next scandal ready.
Trump’s executive order only protects against family separation for 20 days Though President Trump declared that the executive order he signed Wednesday would “solve” the problem of family separation while parents are prosecuted for illegal border crossing, the order is really only good for 20 days, CBS News’ Paula Reid reports, citing a source familiar… Continue reading Untitled
Bill Black: Bitcoin Frauds Keep Growing
By William K. Black, Associate Professor of Economics and Law at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and author of The Best Way to Rob a Bank is to Own One. Originally published at New Economic Perspectives via Bill Black: Bitcoin Frauds Keep Growing
Trump aide Stephen Miller, meet your great-grandfather, who flunked his naturalization test Eshman went on to pose, and then refute, what has become the most familiar objection to these stories, writing: “But it’s different now, you say. Miller’s forebears came here legally…” It is an argument that Megan Smolenyak, a former chief family historian and… Continue reading Untitled
Paul Krugman on Twitter
“It’s normal to feel that people you disagree with politically are offering bad solutions to our problems. But Trump has brought something new: his policy agenda is almost entirely directed at problems we don’t have – problems that exist only in his warped imagination 1/” Paul Krugman on Twitter The whole thread is worth reading… Continue reading Paul Krugman on Twitter
Steve Schmidt on Twitter
“TRUMP got taken to the cleaners because he is ignorant and monumentally unprepared. What did Kim Jong Un give up with regard to training his million man army ? 12,000 North Korean artillery pieces are locked , loaded and trained on Seoul. He learned Trump is a stupendous fool” Steve Schmidt on Twitter
Staten Island Yankees Renamed Pizza Rats For 5 Games
For five Saturday home games, the Staten Island Yankees will call themselves the Staten Island Pizza Rats in an effort to rebrand the team. Staten Island Yankees Renamed Pizza Rats For 5 Games I need a pizza rats shirt.
Bitcoin’s Price Was Artificially Inflated Last Year, Researchers Say
SAN FRANCISCO — A concentrated campaign of price manipulation may have accounted for at least half of the increase in the price of Bitcoin and other big cryptocurrencies last year, according to a paper released on Wednesday by an academic with a history of spotting fraud in financial markets. via Bitcoin’s Price Was Artificially Inflated… Continue reading Bitcoin’s Price Was Artificially Inflated Last Year, Researchers Say
The Democrats are Moving Left, and the Real Work is Just Starting
Do Democrats running for office for the first time have their act together when it comes to economics? Writer Ryan Cooper is skeptical, writing at The Week that “The Democratic Party is flying blind on economics. via The Democrats are Moving Left, and the Real Work is Just Starting The biggest story no one is talking… Continue reading The Democrats are Moving Left, and the Real Work is Just Starting
Former Fox News Analyst Calls Network a ‘Destructive Propaganda Machine’
For 10 years, Ralph Peters regularly appeared on Fox News to offer military analysis and insight as one of the cable network’s reliably conservative commenters. But he quit in March in disgust. via Former Fox News Analyst Calls Network a ‘Destructive Propaganda Machine’ This should have been a bigger story.