“I also saw a threat in Iraq. I was hoping to solve this problem diplomatically. That’s why I went to the [United Nations] Security Council; that’s why it was important to pass [Resolution] 1441, which was unanimously passed. And the world said, disarm, disclose, or face serious consequences – and therefore, we worked with the… Continue reading Saddam chose to deny inspectors
Hitler vs. Coulter
For this quiz I’ve replaced some of Hitler’s pro-Aryan and anti-Semitic language with the words, “America”, “Democrat”, “liberal”, and “the liberal media” to make the Coulter quotes a little more difficult to spot. Can you correctly attribute the following quotes? From Give Up Blog This is funny. I totally disagree with the method of argument… Continue reading Hitler vs. Coulter
DeLay Is Quitting Race and House
Representative Tom DeLay, the relentless Texan who helped lead House Republicans to power but became ensnared in a corruption scandal, has decided to leave Congress, House officials said Monday night. From New York Times Good bye and good riddance. The next majority you will preside over will be in prison
debt and stimulus
Bush supporters credit the President with cutting taxes (and, mumble mumble, boosting spending) in order to stimulate economic growth and dig us out of recession. “Works every time!” they say. Well, duh. Borrowing $1.9 trillion and injecting it into the economy should certainly provide some stimulus. The real question is: does the extra economic growth… Continue reading debt and stimulus
Kerry avoids all things tomato
From thesmokinggun
The Founders Never Imagined a Bush Administration
President Bush has given Commander-in-Chief Bush unlimited wartime authority. But the “war on terror” is more a metaphor than a fact. Terrorism is a method, not an ideology; terrorists are criminals, not warriors. No peace treaty can possibly bring an end to the fight against far-flung terrorists. The emergency powers of the president during this… Continue reading The Founders Never Imagined a Bush Administration
four questions for Bush
Now that Bush is actually facing the press in non-scripted environment, I thought it might point out some questions I’d like him to avoid answering. You have talk a lot about the need for cutting big government and reducing spending. If this is indeed you intention, why haven’t you submitted a balanced budget? In your… Continue reading four questions for Bush
Mrs. Cheney drinks Perrier
The Smoking Gun has the VP’s ridder.
Tom the Dancing Bug
From Salon. The really funny thing about it is that it isn’t funny at all. Now that’s irony done right.
In a Word…Incompetent
The single word most frequently associated with George W. Bush today is “incompetent,"and close behind are two other increasingly mentioned descriptors: "idiot” and “liar.” All three are mentioned far more often today than a year ago. From Pew Research Nice to see that the rest of the country is catching up to the opinion those… Continue reading In a Word…Incompetent