PATH Tunnels Seen as Fragile in Bomb Attack

An analysis done for the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey says that the PATH train tunnels under the Hudson River are more vulnerable to a bomb attack than previously thought, and that a relatively small amount of high explosives could cause significant flooding of the rail system within hours. From New York… Continue reading PATH Tunnels Seen as Fragile in Bomb Attack

Buoyed by bigger breasts

Log onto, and you’ll see postings from lots of women such as Munro, a 36-year-old married mother of two who lives in Moorhead, Minn., just across the Red River from Fargo, N.D. Once the domain of strippers and starlets, breast augmentation appears to be catching on with increasing numbers of soccer moms. From… Continue reading Buoyed by bigger breasts

Gingrich: Imams should have been arrested

“Those six people should have been arrested and prosecuted for pretending to be terrorists,” Gingrich said. “And the crew of the U.S. airplane should have been invited to the White House and congratulated for being correct in the protection of citizens.” From United Press International First off, I genuinely respect Newt as being one of… Continue reading Gingrich: Imams should have been arrested

Rep. Rangel’s bill to reinstate the draft

WASHINGTON – Rep. Charles Rangel plans to resurrect a bill to reinstate the draft when Democrats take power in January, but the idea got a chilly reception yesterday in the heart of his Harlem district. From New York Daily News – Politics – Rangel feelin’ a draft Last time he brought this up, Mr. Rangel… Continue reading Rep. Rangel’s bill to reinstate the draft

the end of caveman-style conservativism

As pathetic, desperate efforts to spin an electoral loss of historic proportions go, this line of thinking makes the kind of faux intuitive sense that is pure talking point gold. The concocters of this poppycock deserve some credit. They were ready and waiting to unleash the conservative Democratic mandate and we’ll hear no end of… Continue reading the end of caveman-style conservativism