In theory, this group exists to safeguard the integrity of the multitrillion-dollar market. In practice, it also defends the dominance of the big banks. The banks in this group, which is affiliated with a new derivatives clearinghouse, have fought to block other banks from entering the market, and they are also trying to thwart efforts… Continue reading Post-Meltdown, Banks Still Rule Derivatives Trade
Category: Uncategorized
Ken Cuccinelli, How to get ahead as a Republican in 2010
Ken Cuccinelli has called homosexuality “intrinsically wrong,” sought to alter the 14th Amendment in order to strip the children of undocumented immigrants of their citizenship, questioned the science of climate change, and dabbled in birtherism. He is, in other words, a near-perfect embodiment of the passions that animate the base of the Republican Party in… Continue reading Ken Cuccinelli, How to get ahead as a Republican in 2010
Orwell and the Financial Crisis
Barry Ritholtz catches AEI purging mention of deregulation from Peter Wallison’s bio. Wallison is co-director of AEI’s financial deregulation project; but he’s also one of the Gang of Four demanding that the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission not so much as mention deregulation in its report. From Orwell and the Financial Crisis – We have… Continue reading Orwell and the Financial Crisis
Socializing may improve mental function
But only if it’s friendly chat…competitive conversations don’t result in the same improvement. (I don’t think Words With Friends counts either…) They found that engaging in brief (10 minute) conversations in which participants were simply instructed to get to know another person resulted in boosts to their subsequent performance on an array of common cognitive… Continue reading Socializing may improve mental function
The liberal backlash that isn’t
with the release of a new Washington Post/ABC News poll – conducted late last week and over the weekend, as the supposed liberal backlash against the deal was at its peak – that shows Obama’s approval rating with liberal Democrats sitting at 87 percent. That’s essentially where it’s been all year; it represents a statistically… Continue reading The liberal backlash that isn’t
Orwell and the Financial Crisis
Barry Ritholtz catches AEI purging mention of deregulation from Peter Wallison’s bio. Wallison is co-director of AEI’s financial deregulation project; but he’s also one of the Gang of Four demanding that the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission not so much as mention deregulation in its report. From Orwell and the Financial Crisis – We have… Continue reading Orwell and the Financial Crisis
Tyler Cowen on The Inequality That Matters
Does growing wealth and income inequality in the United States presage the downfall of the American republic? Will we evolve into a new Gilded Age plutocracy, irrevocably split between the competing interests of rich and poor? Or is growing inequality a mere bump in the road, a statistical blip along the path to greater wealth… Continue reading Tyler Cowen on The Inequality That Matters
Ken Cuccinelli, How to get ahead as a Republican in 2010
Ken Cuccinelli has called homosexuality “intrinsically wrong,” sought to alter the 14th Amendment in order to strip the children of undocumented immigrants of their citizenship, questioned the science of climate change, and dabbled in birtherism. He is, in other words, a near-perfect embodiment of the passions that animate the base of the Republican Party in… Continue reading Ken Cuccinelli, How to get ahead as a Republican in 2010
The SPECTRE of Inequality
there’s a scene early in the movie when the minions of SPECTRE, the evil conspiracy, are shown reporting on their profits from dastardly activities. And the numbers are … ludicrously small. I know that’s a running gag in Austin Powers, But it’s true, it’s true! Even the big one — demanding a ransom for two… Continue reading The SPECTRE of Inequality
Post-Meltdown, Banks Still Rule Derivatives Trade
In theory, this group exists to safeguard the integrity of the multitrillion-dollar market. In practice, it also defends the dominance of the big banks. The banks in this group, which is affiliated with a new derivatives clearinghouse, have fought to block other banks from entering the market, and they are also trying to thwart efforts… Continue reading Post-Meltdown, Banks Still Rule Derivatives Trade