Every day, right-wing blogs and Fox News are abuzz with hysterical reports of partly or wholly invented scandals that, in their fevered imaginations, threaten to once-and-for-all destroy the Obama administration. While most of the bloggers are true believers, convinced that they’re one smoking gun away from opening everyone’s eyes to the criminality of the administration,… Continue reading The year in trumped-up pseudo-scandals
Category: Uncategorized
Wall Street Whitewash
Last week, reports Shahien Nasiripour of The Huffington Post, all four Republicans on the commission voted to exclude the following terms from the report: “deregulation,” “shadow banking,” “interconnection,” and, yes, “Wall Street.” From Wall Street Whitewash – NYTimes.com They don’t want to mention Wall Street in a report on the financial crisses. WTF? This should… Continue reading Wall Street Whitewash
House Republican Rule Changes Pave the Way For Major Deficit-Increasing Tax Cuts, Despite Anti-Deficit Rhetoric
House Republican leaders yesterday unveiled major changes to House procedural rules that are clearly designed to pave the way for more deficit-increasing tax cuts in the next two years. These rules stand in sharp contrast to the strong anti-deficit rhetoric that many Republicans used on the campaign trail this fall. While changes in congressional rules… Continue reading House Republican Rule Changes Pave the Way For Major Deficit-Increasing Tax Cuts, Despite Anti-Deficit Rhetoric
Fly Over States
New Rule: If you complain about liberal elites using the term fly over state, you can not call fellow Americans French, refer to Massachusetts as Taxachusetts, refer to San Fransisco values or use Hollywood or Wall Street as dog whistle for antisemitism.
Fly Over States
New Rule: If you complain about liberal elites using the term fly over state, you can not call fellow Americans French, refer to Massachusetts as Taxachusetts, refer to San Fransisco values or use Hollywood or Wall Street as dog whistle for antisemitism.
Thomas Jefferson on Wealth Inequality
I am conscious that an equal division of property is impracticable, but the consequences of this enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind, legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind.… Continue reading Thomas Jefferson on Wealth Inequality
The Triumph Of Romneycare
the healthcare exchanges set up for those shut out of the employer system have seen premiums decline 40 percent, even as all premiums have risen 14 percent nationwide. The power of the market. If the GOP were a serious governing party, they would focus on strengthening those exchanges in the federal bill, and working to… Continue reading The Triumph Of Romneycare
When Zombies Win
It’s also worth pointing out that everything the right said about why Obamanomics would fail was wrong. For two years we’ve been warned that government borrowing would send interest rates sky-high; in fact, rates have fluctuated with optimism or pessimism about recovery, but stayed consistently low by historical standards. For two years we’ve been warned… Continue reading When Zombies Win
When Zombies Win
It’s also worth pointing out that everything the right said about why Obamanomics would fail was wrong. For two years we’ve been warned that government borrowing would send interest rates sky-high; in fact, rates have fluctuated with optimism or pessimism about recovery, but stayed consistently low by historical standards. For two years we’ve been warned… Continue reading When Zombies Win
The Triumph Of Romneycare
the healthcare exchanges set up for those shut out of the employer system have seen premiums decline 40 percent, even as all premiums have risen 14 percent nationwide. The power of the market. If the GOP were a serious governing party, they would focus on strengthening those exchanges in the federal bill, and working to… Continue reading The Triumph Of Romneycare