There’s a bitter irony here. The fiscal crisis in Wisconsin, as in other states, was largely caused by the increasing power of America’s oligarchy. After all, it was superwealthy players, not the general public, who pushed for financial deregulation and thereby set the stage for the economic crisis of 2008-9, a crisis whose aftermath is… Continue reading Wisconsin Power Play
Category: Uncategorized
Realism on Defense Spending
if we’re talking about fiscal issues, you have to bear the arithmetic in mind. We’re not living in the 1950s, when defense was half the federal budget. Even a drastic cut in military spending wouldn’t release enough money to offset more than a small fraction of the projected rise in health care costs. From Realism… Continue reading Realism on Defense Spending
Wisconsin Draws the Line on Austerity Opportunism and Class War.
Wisconsin Draws the Line on Austerity Opportunism and Class War.
Technical analysis of the Wisconsin budget battle. Takeaway line is Austerity Opportunism.
The Less Discussed Part of Walker’s Wisconsin Plan: No-Bid Energy Assets Firesales.
The Less Discussed Part of Walker’s Wisconsin Plan: No-Bid Energy Assets Firesales.
Why does opposition to collective bargaining not apply to corporate collective bargaining?
Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theory Generator
Glenn Beck Conspiracy Theory Generator
Fair and Balanced Paranoia, Delivered on Demand.
Scientists Invent World’s First Anti-Laser
“Two scientists at Yale University have built the laser’s first doppelganger: the anti-laser. While a conventional laser emits a constant beam of light in one direction, the anti-laser simply does the opposite. It takes that same steady light stream and interacts with it in such a way that it absorbs and cancels out the light.… Continue reading Scientists Invent World’s First Anti-Laser
Krugman: Republicans have a mandate to repeal the laws of arithmetic
Pew on public fiscal views isn’t really all that surprising, but it’s still striking: people want spending cut, but are opposed to cuts in anything except foreign aid: And they want state governments to balance their budgets without cutting spending or raising taxes: The conclusion is inescapable: Republicans have a mandate to repeal… Continue reading Krugman: Republicans have a mandate to repeal the laws of arithmetic
Were they listening when they read the constitution aloud at the start of the congress?
No Constitutional shortcuts. When investigating American citizens, the government must comply with the Constitution, even in national security investigations Challenging unconstitutional action. If a citizen challenges the government’s use of PATRIOT Act power in a court of law, the case must be expedited to ensure the individual’s rights are upheld. A total of two House… Continue reading Were they listening when they read the constitution aloud at the start of the congress?
Japan’s Pour-Over Coffee Wins Converts
One of the most important coffee markets in the world, Japan imports more than 930 million pounds of it each year — more than France, less than Italy. It’s not a fad. There are coffee shops in Japan that date to at least the 1940s and traditions that reach back even further; it’s a culture… Continue reading Japan’s Pour-Over Coffee Wins Converts
Structural Unemployment Myths: Construction, Moving, Mancessions
My other favorite pernicious myth of this recession is the story of the Mancession. This hit the high moment with Hannah Rosin’s article The End of Men in The Atlantic. This is the idea is that male employment has suffered in this recession, and the workforce has been overtaken by women because of the possibility… Continue reading Structural Unemployment Myths: Construction, Moving, Mancessions