I’m going to assume that the tea party folks will rise up against this violation of the Constitution.
Category: trumpsterfire
Donald Trump’s Potential Conflicts of Interest Continue To Mount
Donald Trump’s Potential Conflicts of Interest Continue To Mount
I’m going to assume that Trump supporters would have been totally OK with Chelsea Clinton sitting in on meetings with her mom in the oval office while running the Clinton foundation. Totally OK with it.
Donald Trump Meeting Suggests He Is Keeping Up His Business Ties – The New York Times
The meeting, with Indian executives linked to an apartment tower bearing Mr. Trump’s name, raises questions about how he will separate his business dealings from his politics. (via Donald Trump Meeting Suggests He Is Keeping Up His Business Ties – The New York Times) He isn’t. Or he won’t unless congress forces him. He will… Continue reading Donald Trump Meeting Suggests He Is Keeping Up His Business Ties – The New York Times
‘Vote shaming’ Trump supporters is fair. What they have done is shameful
‘Vote shaming’ Trump supporters is fair. What they have done is shameful
Trump voters demand safe space where no one will say mean things about them. Make America Politically Correct.
Don’t let Donald Trump’s antics distract you from what’s really important
Don’t let Donald Trump’s antics distract you from what’s really important
Keep the focus on the high crimes and misdemeanors, not the temper tantrums.
Donald Trump’s Transition Team, Or Lack Thereof, Is Causing Real Panic
Donald Trump’s Transition Team, Or Lack Thereof, Is Causing Real Panic
This is not normal.
Stop Unfollowing Trump Supporters
Stop Unfollowing Trump Supporters
Worth reading.
News Outlets Amplify False Claim Trump Saved Ford Plant From Moving To Mexico
News Outlets Amplify False Claim Trump Saved Ford Plant From Moving To Mexico
The media needs to view Trump as an unreliable narrator. Check everything he says and report the actual truth and how he has contradicted it.
Trump demands apology from ‘Hamilton’ after cast’s message to Pence – The Washington Post
Trump demands apology from ‘Hamilton’ after cast’s message to Pence – The Washington Post
The special snowflake takes a break from insulting everyone and decides to feel insulted. Maybe he needs to go back to his safe space in Trump tower?
Trump Wants Son-in-Law to Get Presidential Briefing Too Just for an Extra Pair of Real Estate Developer Eyes
I am confident that those who were concerned about the potential mishandling of confidential material because of Hillary’s email server will hold Trump to the same high standard and demand that his kids and son-in-law be fully vetted before having access to confidential material.