Private. Email. Server. NSC Email. To. A. Private. Email. Server. Facepalm.
Category: trumpsterfire
Wasn’t there some scandal about emails on private servers a few months back? The full article is a must read
Jeff Flake: ‘I Wish That We As A Party Would Have Stood Up When The Birtherism Thing Was Going On’
Jeff Flake: ‘I Wish That We As A Party Would Have Stood Up When The Birtherism Thing Was Going On’
Birtherism didn’t just happen. The GOP spent 25 years sowing dragon’s teeth on Fox news and talk radio. And now you have a big orange Dragon.
And why Birtherism? Why didn’t they take a stand at Jade Helm. Or Vince Foster.
Would you even care if he was guilty?
Would you even care if he was guilty?
This is the GOP hitting rock bottom.
Stephen Miller and his dog whistles
Make America golf again
Scott Adams lives in the Trump bubble
Scott Adams lives in the Trump bubble
I predicted that the end of this three-part story would involve President Trump’s critics complaining that indeed he was “effective, but we don’t like it.” Or words to that effect. I based that prediction on the assumption he would get some big wins by the end of the year and it would no longer make sense to question his effectiveness, only his policy choices.
My prediction is that someone will write an article that has some possible interpretation that someone thinks Trump did a non zero number of things and Scott will use it as proof that he was right all along.
five stages of trump white house meployment
Sometimes it’s really hard to convince someone that they’ve been conned. Scott is a mark who thinks he is on and con.