Trump told us overturning Roe “will happen, automatically” back in 2016.

Trump: I’ll appoint Supreme Court justices to overturn Roe v. Wade abortion case From: “Donald Trump said the overturning of the landmark Supreme Court decision giving women the right to abortion “will happen, automatically,” if he is elected president and gets to appoint justices to the high court. “I am pro-life,” Trump said during… Continue reading Trump told us overturning Roe “will happen, automatically” back in 2016.

Obamagate is just Benghazi 2.0

Bill Barr’s DOJ has just released a report showing that the 29 FISA warrants met the appropriate standards, showing that the Russia investigation wasn’t a hoax or a witch hunt. And this can mean only one thing: there will be multiple investigations into those 29 FISA warrants.