If #OWS Has No Coherent Message, How Come Eric Cantor Is Suddenly Talking About ‘Income Disparity’?
OWS manages to shift the national conversation from “How much Austerity?” to “What are we doing about jobs and debt?” Mission accomplished.
The Red White and Blue Pill
If #OWS Has No Coherent Message, How Come Eric Cantor Is Suddenly Talking About ‘Income Disparity’?
OWS manages to shift the national conversation from “How much Austerity?” to “What are we doing about jobs and debt?” Mission accomplished.
My view, with both all due respect and all due derision, is that the Robert Lucas types are like the early Copernicans here. There’s something admirable in their insistence that it ought to all work out to an easily modeled system grounded in compelling theoretically considerations. The New Keynesian model is a mess, like late-Ptolemaic… Continue reading The Copernican Revolution In Macroeconomics
If you are working 40 to 60hr/w at or near minimum wage chances are you are in the 47% and not the 53%. If you are not, learn some math and check your deductions.
House Passes Another Bill to Reduce Access to Abortions
I guess this counts as a jobs bill if you think of unplanned motherhood as a job.
Reid Goes There: ‘Republicans Think That If The Economy Improves, It Might Help President Obama”
I don’t see why anyone would doubt that this is the strategy they have chosen. They don’t seem focused on debt, jobs or anything other than opposing Obama.
David Koch Flees from ABC News Over Iran Scandal Questions
A recent report in Bloomberg Markets magazine revealed that Koch Industries had been caught paying bribes to win contracts, engaging in possibly-illegal trade with Iran, price fixing, and ignoring environmental regulations.
Parsing the Data and Ideology of the We Are 99% Tumblr
Rortybomb crunches the numbers and builds a profile of the 99% tumblr blog. Wonky. Lots of numbers and some charts. Worth the read.
Tea Partiers Turn Tea Party Criticisms On Occupy Wall Street
It was inevitable that the Occupy Wall Street protests would be compared to the tea party. Slightly less inevitable: that Occupy Wall Street would hear the same criticisms as the tea party…from the tea partiers themselves.
As Many As 5 Million Voters Disenfranchised By Voter ID Laws
According to a study done by the Brennan Center For Justice, as many as 5 million voters will be disenfranchised by Voter ID laws passed in Republican states.