Romney should come out in favor of replacing Obamacare with a Massachusetts like system. That is such an insanely self contradictory flip-flop that only Romney could possibly say it without having his head explode. And only Romney could defend that statement with a straight face.
Category: politics
TNR Staff: A Long List Of The Most Terrible Things Rick Santorum Has Ever Said
TNR Staff: A Long List Of The Most Terrible Things Rick Santorum Has Ever Said
This guy is unworthy of serving in elected office at any level, let alone the presidency.
During Farrakhan’s heights in the 80’s and 90’s, national commenters generally looked on in horror. They simply could not understand how an obvious bigot could capture the imagination of so many people. Surely there were “good” Civil Rights leaders out there, waging the good fight against discrimination. But what the pundits never got was that… Continue reading Untitled
John Huntsman is the 1%. Literally.
Gingrich asks for Judicial Activism so he can fight against Judicial Activism.
Gingrich asks for Judicial Activism so he can fight against Judicial Activism.
Gingrich, Santorum, Perry and Bachmann – who did not bother to learn about the law asking, gasp! – asking a judge to overrule the law and put them on the ballot.
This is ridiculous, but not out of character.
Iowa picks Santorum to be the anti-Mitt. This should be fun.
Rick Perry is creepy.
This might have been the longest Newt has ever talked without mentioning one of his books.
The best part of the Iowa results: Hearing news people say Santorum Surge over and over again. Santorum Surge! Santorum Surge! Santorum Surge!
Ron Paul’s supporters ask that their candidate not be judged by his associates. Or by the people he chose to employ. Or by the newsletters he published. Or by the book he wrote. Or by the way he earned the largest part of his living when out of office in the 1990s. Or by his… Continue reading Untitled