We’ve got to stop the debates,” McCain told Meet The Press‘ David Gregory. “Enough with the debates, because they are driving up our candidates’, all of them, unfavorability. We have enough of that. They’ve turned into mud wrestling instead of an exposition of all our candidates views. And it’s time to recognize who the real… Continue reading Untitled
Category: politics
It was his newsletter, and it was under his name, so he always got to see the final product. . . . He would proof it,’’ said Renae Hathway, a former secretary in Paul’s company and a supporter of the Texas congressman. Ron Paul signed off on racist 1990s newsletters, associates say – The Washington Post
How Right-Wing Libertarians, John Birchers and Conspiracy Freaks Are Trying to Hijack the Occupy Movement
I Googled “Occupy Federal Reserve,” and the first result was a link to Infowars, a Web site run by Alex Jones, a Texas-based wingnut radio host. Jones, a longtime Ron Paul supporter, believes that the government staged both the World Trade Center attacks and the Oklahoma City bombings; that the Gates Foundation is a eugenics operation; and that the government has been taken over by agents of the New World Order who are planning to release a cancer-causing monkey virus.
If Newt is going to talk about a moon base, he should have the self respect to propose it while sitting in a wheelchair and stroking a fluffy white cat.
fact-checking should be about checking facts — not about trying to impose some sort of Marquess of Queensbury rules on how you’re allowed to use facts. Aside from undermining the mission, this makes the whole thing subjective — notice that Politifact wasn’t even analyzing what Obama said, they were analyzing their impression about what he… Continue reading Untitled
I like it when people criticize Occupy Wall Street by claiming they are anarchist who want more government. And I love the reaction of those critics when you point out the obvious flaw in their criticism.
There is no way to adjust the color of my TV so Speaker Boehner’s color looks natural and the flag is remains Red, White and Blue.
Arkansas Democratic Campaign Manager Comes Home To Find Child’s Cat Murdered, ‘LIBERAL’ Written On Dead Body
Another one of those isolated instances of right-wing violence that keeps happening.
Gingrich’s Ex-Wife: I Refused To Have An ‘Open Marriage’
Gingrich’s Ex-Wife: I Refused To Have An ‘Open Marriage’
Newt Gingrich asked his ex-wife to agree to an “open marriage” so he could carry on an affair, Marianne Gingrich told ABC News in an exclusive interview set to air Thursday evening.
So…he thinks same sex marriage is a threat to traditional marriage but swinging is ok? Did his ceremony declare them to be man and wife and a ‘lil something on the side?
One difficulty in fighting against son-of-SOPA legislative efforts is going to be that anti-SOPA campaigning has focused very heavily on the most extreme elements of the bill and not quite aimed at the core of the underlying dubious economic and public policy arguments driving the legislation What’s Still In Play In SOPA